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Housing Predictor is an independent web site that estimates housing markets in over 250 local housing markets through the U.S. The increase in foreclosures, the crisis in the sub prime financing market and increasing troubles in the traditional mortgage areas, where noti... Housing Predictor, which forecasts property industry futures in most 50 U.S. states, can declare its 10 Hottest Buyers Areas in 2007 for investing in houses, apartments and townhouses. Housing Predictor is an in-dependent website that forecasts housing markets in over 250 local housing markets through the U.S. The increase in foreclosures, the situation in the sub prime financing market and increasing troubles in the mainstream mortgage markets, where notices of default have increased are making several local housing markets prices decline. To read more, please consider checking out But there are still 13 states, nearly all of which are situated in the southern 1 / 2 of the nation, where property areas stay strong and are appreciating. The web site has recently named its Worst 25 Markets for the entire year and its Top 25 Markets for 2007. To check up more, people are able to check out But an increasing number of investors, a lot of whom are new to buying real estate, have requested the 10 Hottest Buyers Markets predict on the internet web sites economists. Property Predictor is responding to their requests together with the estimates. Michigans real estate markets are in an all out recession due to declining populace caused by job losses. Hawaiis local areas have slowed as a result of higher rates and the aftermath of an earthquake to hit the islands. Facebook.Com/Lanethomashousing includes more about the inner workings of it. Many of Californias regional housing markets are just starting to see daylight at the end-of the canal as more customers prove in the spring. On the east coast, Floridas markets are starting to see pent-up buyer activity commence to turn the tide to more activity and increasing sales in many markets with the exception of Miami and a few the others in the state. Florida is observing a thriving real estate market that should last well into 2008 with population raises never experienced before. Housing Predictor often surveys market action throughout the U.S. to keep the beat on the property market, and can name its 10 Hottest Buyers Markets in April with the greatest likelihood of understanding through the coming year. Visit Housing Predictor to be sure of your neighborhood markets forecast, and begin to see the Top 25 and Worst 25 forecast markets for 2007 at

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