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   Fairydusted Tales
      eTwinning Project

                         Skiathos Junior High School, Greece.
                          Gymnazium Cheb, The Czech Republic.
                          Lycee Marguerite Yourcenar, France.
                         Scoala cu Clasele I-VIII Traian, Romania.

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Fairytales speak the language of children, so it is the best way to stimulate students' interest and involve them in the educational process. Through this project students from Greece, the Czech Republic, France and Romania will collect traditional fairytales from their places, learn the basic elements of fairytales and, finally, write their own. These fairytales will be illustrated and decorated with the children's own drawings and all this material will be included in a book under the title "Fairydusted Tales". Moreover, students will use these fairytales to make their own videos, dramatise them, perform puppet plays based on them or make them into e-books. All this material produced through this project will be uploaded on this website, which is especially designed for the project.

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