Τελευταία Νέα

Assignment 5 : Friends & Enemies



Prodigious birth of love it is to me, That I must love a loathed enemy.” Juliet, Act I, scene v

Romeo and Juliet is based on the nature of friends and enemies. [aside: The concept of “enemy” is so strong in the play but the word itself is only used six times. The word “friend” and its forms are used twenty times.] These powerful states are vital to the story ­ The prologue mentions the feuding families before it mentions the lovers. Everything happens because the two families are foes. Romeo is both friend and enemy to Juliet. When Juliet says goodbye to Romeo in Act III, scene v, she calls him both “husband” and “friend.” The word is used to symbolize someone you care for, even when it's used ironically:

The Nurse wails that Tybalt was “the best friend she ever had” after his death, even though one wonders if they ever had a conversation.

The word “friend” takes on a chilling connotation in Act V: Romeo tells the apothecary, who is afraid of selling him the poison, that the world is not your friend.

Juliet searches for one “friendly” drop of that poison to end her life and join Romeo in death.

In act III, scene i, Romeo declares, “This gentleman, the prince's near ally, My very friend, hath got his mortal hurt In my behalf.”

There are many remarks that Romeo and Mercutio are best friends. I'm not convinced. Romeo may think so. But he is often so caught up in his own world he doesn't see the reality of life around him. When Mercutio searches for Romeo in Act II, he mocks Romeo's state of mind, and mocks the way Romeo speaks of love.  “Appear thou in the likeness of a sigh: Speak but one rhyme, and I am satisfied.”

Certainly it's humourous, but there's a bite to it. And there is a lot of bite when Mercutio curses the two families at his death. There's a reason Mercutio asks Benvolio (not Romeo) to take him away.



? Reflect on the word “friend.” What does it mean to you? Do you consider romantic partners to be friends?

? Reflect on the word “enemy.” Do you have an enemy? What happened to make that person your enemy? Do you feel the reactions of characters in the play toward their enemies is realistic or exaggerated?

? Write a song in which you use the word friend to mean loved one. What images will you use?

? Compare and contrast Mercutio and Tybalt. How are they similar? How are they different?

? Create a collage of textures, colours and images that represents Mercutio on one side and Tybalt on the other. What are the similarities? What are the differences?

? Respond to the statement, “Romeo and Mercutio are not best friends.” Do you agree or disagree? Support your answer with examples from the play.

? Write a modern, inner monologue for Mercutio as he lies dying where he expresses what he thinks of his friendship with Romeo.

? When Benvolio describes the fight, he says that Romeo said, “Hold, friends! Friends, part!” This is not what Romeo really said (“Hold, Tybalt! Good Mercutio!”) What does this tell you about Benvolio's character?

? Write a scene in which Tybalt and Mercutio meet up in the afterlife. What would their conversation be? How would they change? How would they stay the same? What would they think about their families and the outcome of the play?

(Source: http://tfolk.me/relationship)
