With the definition air pollution we mean any undesirable change in natural, chemical and biological characteristics of atmospheric air, which is or can be unhealthy for people, animals and plants. The atmospheric pollution is different in London and in Los Angeles. Atmospheric pollution occurs usually in big cities and is caused by cars, factories etc. Today the negative effects of the atmospheric pollution on health, is great.  We must do something for this; we can eliminate the use of cars and use taxis or buses instead. There are so many solutions.

Melina Tzoro


Pollution is a very big problem in our city. It is mostly caused by factories, which are near the city. We have a lot of cars that produce a lot of car fumes that are very dangerous for our health. Greece has more cars than it should, so it doesn't help with the pollution. We also have a lot of rubbish and we don't have big places to burn them but burning also causes pollution. The soil is also polluted because of a lot of fertilisers used for cultivation. There is also pollution caused by the central heating of the big blocks of flats in the city.               

Don't pollute the air!!!

Nancy Stavropoulou


Environmental pollution is a huge problem that affects us all. The environment is polluted today in many ways. The main cause is factories. Their waste pollutes not only the soil, but also the sea. When factory waste reaches the sea it pollutes the water. The damage caused is enormous. Many sea animals and plants die. Cars also cause a lot of pollution. During heavy traffic, cars produce a lot of exhaust gases that are dangerous for people, animals and plants. The situation is even worse during the summer due to the heat. Then, the blue sky of Athens turns grey. Unfortunately, people cause a lot of damage to the environment. Without thinking they throw their garbage everywhere and cause pollution. Even pesticide causes a lot of damage. In all these ways, and many others, people destroy their environment without thinking that this damage comes back to them. Of course we cannot eliminate factories and cars due to pollution. But we need to find ways to protect the environment. When we go to the beach and look around we see a lot of garbage. When we see a trash can with garbage out of it we must call the trash removal service. If all of us do that, our cities will clean up faster. Smog from factories, cars, motorcycles, trucks and other vehicles cause a great pollution. When breathing smog people suffer from headaches and coughing ... Factories that make paper, cars, household appliances, etc., also pollute the environment.

Vicky Kondyli


People must understand how important clean atmosphere is. Natural environment is the earth, the air, the water and we must protect all of these, because we need them and we can't live without them. People are born to live in natural environment, but now we have to break the cement to see a bit green. The most important is the air pollution, because as years pass the trees will die from fumes and we will not have enough oxygen. We must stop to move from one place to another in our cars and we must begin to use other transportation means (buses, the underground e.t.c.) Now, factories are important too. We must put filtres to protect the environment. We can, also, help Green Peace to make our environment better, without fumes and pollution.

We must take care to make our lives better on this planet. 

 Sources:, encyclopaedia ΔΟΜΗ

 Elizabeth Fanou
