Everybody in the world knows that if we continue to pollute the environment, we will kill ourselves. The environment is a live source but in few years it will become a destroyed machine. Environmentalists say that only in America in one year 32.000 trees were destroyed which were used for furniture. So the environment loses plants and oxygen. Greece belongs to the first ten countries that have a great problem with ground pollution. It is a country, which has enormous and high mountains. Moreover it has many lakes and more rivers. The citizens of Greece are greedy. Every day all the people throw the rubbish in the streets and the gutters are full. A very serious problem in Greece is the outcasts. According to ÕÐ.Å.×.Ù.Ä.Å the outcasts and the toxics, which are produced in Greece, go up to 280.000 tones a year. 40% of the outcasts are produced by industries. Cars produce the rest 60%. All know that there are a lot of outcasts but where do they go?


*Sinking in the sea

*Disposal in the ground

*Disposal in metals

For all these reasons we must protect the environment because more animals will die. Studies show that 104 kinds of animals became extinct in one year. There are a few organisations, which protect the environment. It would be a good idea to take part in one of them. I believe that in the future this condition will be more dangerous. Let's create a better world in which all of us will live with peace.

Don't pollute the environment!!!


           Nick Tsintziras

Nowadays one of the most serious problems we face is pollution. There are many reasons that cause pollution.  First there aren't a lot of trees so that we can have a clean atmosphere because we need them for paper, hamburgers etc. The cars pollute the air too because they need gas to move. Now the sea world is being seriously threatened from the toxic wastes that factories throw. We, the people, are another cause for the pollution. People often don't recycle things like glass, paper, aluminum cans, which could be used again. As a result there are a lot of places with garbage that keep polluting the ground.

Of course everyone could do something to stop polluting the earth so much. We should recycle the things that are to be recycled, stop overusing the cars, the motorbikes etc. and use them when it is for a serious reason. All these ways of pollution influence the earth, which reacts. When acid rain falls it pollutes everything, the Greenhouse effect has as a result the higher temperatures. This should stop because if we keep polluting the environment we will be forced to breathe with oxygen masks.

 Sources: Documentaries from National Geographic.

Stathis  Telemes


Like air and water, soil is an important component of our environment. It plays a serious role in the growth of life, maintenance of the ecosystem, and in the water cycle. Major cause of spoil contamination includes acid rain, littering and pour waste management from construction sites and industrial 

A) Acid Rain 

 As the name suggests Acid Rain is just rain which is acidic. The rain becomes acidic because of gases, which dissolve in the rainwater from various acids. Rain is naturally slightly acidic because of the carbon dioxide dissolved in it and so to a lesser extent from chlorine (which is derived from the chlorine rain a HP of around 5.0, and in some parts of the world it can be as low as 4.0(this is typical around volcanoes, where the sulphuric dioxide and hydrogen rain falls it causes many problems to the ground. When it falls, the corpuscle of the chlorine pollutes the corpuscles of the ground. So the ground's corpuscles lose their element and they acquire dangerous entities. So the ground becomes very dangerous.

 B)         Littering

Littering has been an element of society far as long as anyone can remember. And for quite some time society has tried to eliminate, or at least minimize, the cause and the effects of littering. Littering pollutes the environment and especially ground. All the filthy entities that sums becomes mildews. These mildews provides to the ground entities that kill the fecund atoms of it. So the ground becomes useless and very dangerous because, it does not have fecund atoms of ground but finally fecund atoms of mildews.

C) Industrial 

  Industrial waste exists in huge quantities and of course in various types. Due to the nature of the business the production procedures, raw materials used, processing technologies and production equipment are different. Therefore, it is difficult to grasp the nature of and handling procedures for industrial waste, which makes a big sum of rubbish and useless things. These useless things, the industrials throw away to the environment and as you can understand pollutes the ground. 

Spilios Mitropoulos

The ground pollution is a big problem for our environment. It can come to have an effect on us in the near future, if something isn't done to locate survey and take care of these "environmental boils". Every day we drop tones of plastic rubbish at the rubbish dumps. The insecticides and the agricultural drugs pollute the underground currents of drinkable water. When the people want to build houses and factories destroy the plants and the forests, so when we have a storm the ground drags along and we have big problems. Another big problem is the forest's burning. Also all these remnants of factories are very dangerous for the ground and our health.

The ecology is occupied with the prevention and the decrease of all these causes of ground pollution. It studies the damages which challenge on the ground and in the environment generally. We have a close working relationship with hydro geologists, geo technicians, microbiologists and hydrogists who together with our own decontamination managers and technicians can quickly do environmental risk and consequence analyses and give suggestions as to proper methods such as "on-site decontamination".   

Thanasis Papadopoulos  


One of the most important problems, which we have in our country, is ground pollution. It is an important problem for the people who live in our country, because they eat products, which have grown up with chemicals.

Chemicals are very dangerous for our health. I say that because the vegetables, the fruits and many other products have grown up with chemical methods and this make them grow up quickly, but it isn't good for us. In my opinion, using natural methods is much better than using chemicals. I say that, because the products, which are grown up with natural methods, are more delicious and healthy.

The causes of ground pollution are a lot and important. A great cause is the dioxins due to the factory wastes and pesticides used in farming.

Ground pollution is a problem that doesn't have any solution until now. So we must do something to find some solutions to protect our ground.

Eliana Mikeli

The ground pollution is the biggest problem nowadays. There are lots of different reasons and they are caused by the people. When lots of people live in an area, then, the ground of this area will be more polluted. The environment can't resist the litter which is produced by people in many ways e.g. from factories, exhausted gases from cars, and the gutters which are full of litter, so the water passing through them becomes polluted. In our country we have great ground pollution and it is caused by acid rain, which has as a result to create breathing problems. The grass also is destroyed and lots of ancient monuments will be more destroyed in the future. The polluted water, which ends into the sea, pollutes the seawater, and so many times people find dead fish. The sea is very polluted and we can't swim.

 Acid rain also pollutes the water, which we drink and it is very dangerous!!!!

 Evelyn Ftylaki

