The fact that the water constitutes a supreme benefit of nature for people is undeniable. Today the messages that come from all the parts of planet are not encouraging for this element of our natural environment.                              

The Quantity of water in the Ground has been - in general lines - constant for millions of years. On the contrary, the population increases, the requirements grow, as well as the disrespect to the environment.

Even if it is not lost, the water is polluted. Also, due to the fact that it is an effective solvent, «an ecumenical solvent», as it has been characterized, it can be polluted easily.                                                                               



The pollutants that are transported by air can travel hundreds of kilometres before they end up to some lake or river. The oxides of sulphur react with pollutants from the air and the rainwater thus shaping sulphuric acid. These acids fall on the ground as acid rain, acid snow, and acid deposition. The flowing water brings these acids to the rivers and the lakes where they can harm the thin ecosystems.   


Unrefined waste from every industrial sector. The industry absorbs the 21% of world consumption water, but with the application of modern technology there has been an effort in order to consume less and recycle more water. The efforts to reduce waste do not have positive results. Certain industries allocate installations to clean the waste which is full of organic components, but do not place it in operation. The householders do not place the biological cleanings in operation, because it is economically disadvantageous, preferring to pay the fine of infringement.


Sewerage: Roughly the half population of ground is connected with drivers of sewerage and only the 60% is served by installations of biological cleaning of conductors of sewages. With result a big part of sewages flows unrefined to some near river, lake, or stream even in the sea. 

In the agriculture the use of biocides and fertilizers henceforth has been generalised, is perhaps the diffuse source of pollution of waters. From 1970 the use of nitrogenous fertilizers was increased in entire the world at 150%. Being redundant components as phosphate salts, and nitrate that are resolvable   in water, they are rinsed with the rain and the erosion they lead in the near streams, in the lakes and in the rivers, run through in the subsoil they pollute the underground reserves There can remain for hundreds years, but certain quantities pass in the animal organisms, via the trophy chain, and they are stored in the live webs so that they are polluted.

 In retrospect therefore water has become an insufficient resources for a lot of countries. Due to the fact that we did not manage the water rightly or because by polluting it, we render it useless, we may possibly realise how essential it is for our life.


 Giotis Vasilis






   World today has too many problems. One of them is the pollution of the water. The water is polluted from factories that are built near the rivers and lakes. Their wastes are spilt into the river and cause death to sea life. It is also polluted by oil tankers and ships which cross the oceans and carry people. Other sources of pollution are bombs and especially nuclear bombs. The pollution of the water creates many problems. First of all acid rain which destroys everything in its way. The fields and the crops are polluted and the people get sick when they eat those vegetables. The countries must do something to save the environment.

John Kyriakidis






          We tend to think of water in terms of a particular purpose: Is the quality of the water good enough for the use we want to make of it? Water fit for own use may be unfit for another. We may, for instance, trust the quality of lake water enough to swim in it, but not enough to drink it. Along the same lines drinking water can be used for irrigation, but water used for irrigation may not meet drinking water standards. It’s the quality of the water, which determines its uses. Scientists, on the other hand, are interested in other aspects of water quality. To them quality is determined by the winds and amounts of substances dissolved and suspended in the water and what those substances that determine the water quality and its suitability for particular purposes. Sometimes nature itself can produce imbalances. In some cases, the natural composition of the water makes it unfit for certain uses: e.g. water flowing in the highly saline of the prairies or gushing from highly mineralized springs in some parts of the country cannot sustain fish populations.

        Sources: encyclopaedia ‘For the children’

 Aspasia-Antonia Triadafyllidou







We all know that water is very important for us and we can't live without it. We use it every day. Moreover it consists 74% for our body. Water exists in great quantities in nature.

In my country there are a lot of rivers and lakes. We make use of these sources of water to grow up. Studies show that in the mouths of rivers there are many kinds of insects. Moreover water is very important for animals. However people pollute the water with chemicals and other ways. 3,8% of water on earth is polluted. This is the fault of people.  They don't understand that if they pollute the water the will kill themselves. For this reason there are a lot of organisations which protect water. And you can be a member of them. I believe that the things will be better in the future.

"Don't pollute the water"

 Irene Tsintzira




Do you know how vital clean water is to life on our planet? It is important for our survival and for the plants and animals we share the planet with. However many things we do have adequately effects and we need to be aware of these. If we don´t look after our fresh water supplies, we may only understand their true value when it is too late. Everyone should be concerned about the quality of the water in his or her local rivers and likes. Water is life!!     

Vasso Riga







Water is very useful for our life. Without it we can't live and we will always be very dirty if we don't take a shower. Water gives us life. The water exists in many places on earth. When you are thirsty you drink a glass of water because only this can quench your thirst. The water is tasteless, achromatic, and odorless and you can find it in many sources in the world.

When we take the water from the ground and its sources, it is very dirty. For this reason EYDAP a company, cleans the water so that we can use it.



                                                                                              Bill Fouskopoulos  





Pollution of the environment is a common problem nowadays. Water pollution is a part of it.

Water is very important to people. We cannot live without it, so we should do our best to protect it. Unfortunately people have not realized that they also pollute the sea by throwing rubbish in it. Sometimes accidents involving ships carrying petrol are responsible for the pollution of the sea, the seashores, and the death of a lot of animals.

 In addition, people do not take care of the chemical disposals and pollute rivers, lakes and seas. So, too often the water is not good enough to drink or many times it is so polluted that there is no life in it. That is the reason that fishermen cannot fish any more and they have financial problems. Moreover, polluted water is not good for the farming either. It is said that polluted water pollutes the soil so farmers cannot have a good harvest.

To sum up, people should start thinking how they can protect the environment and moreover water. Which is the source of the life.

Andriani Bakali-Nikolopoulou







  Water, above clean drinking water, is probably one of the most valuable assets modern man has today.  Environmental damage, large or small, is always a threat to our water and we have preparedness for this.  Remember that it only takes 1 centiliter of diesel oil to taint 1 million liters (in the US: 0.3 fl.oz. to 265,000 gallons) of chlorine treated water! Bostrom's has for many years portable water purifiers that can quickly be placed at an accident site, clean the polluted water and release the purified water in a looping process. This, in combination with our experienced specialists, means that we can quickly access the risks and evaluate the damaged site, in order to quickly implement countermeasures against environmental damage. 

Thanos Leakos      






The addition of chemical essences and dirty waters in natural water influence alive organisms that live there. We should not rely on biologic facts. The numbers of alive organisms that live in a polluted water area will be the same with the number of alive organisms that live in another not polluted water area 2kms away. The amount of pollutants in the water will be toxic for some alive organisms while in the meantime will not affect others.  The water pollution is caused by the inorganic outcasts, the outcasts from the mines, the hot outcasts waters coming from factories, the organic outcasts, the bacillus (parasitical, causing etc) and the water outcasts from the houses.

Maria Pema       







Water pollution is a very big and dangerous problem nowadays which affects the environment, the people and the animals. The problems start from people. First people have made factories. These factories are illegal because their owners don't put filters on the pipes which spill the wastes in the water. Second, ships, which carry petroleum, must be safe and young because all the petroleum will spill in the sea and it will be polluted. An accident that took place in Mediterranean Sea a year ago caused the pollution to the coast of Galician in Spain. The ship was battered to pieces and tonnes of petroleum spilt in the sea. Many animals found death in the sea. Also the fishermen had problems because they fished dead fishes. So we can see that everything returns and harms the people who do this. But there are some groups of people as Greenpeace who protest against these actions. These people try to save environment. I think in some years we will become extinct because of pollution.

John Veloudis

