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Chris Mavridis

Alexandros Nastas

Elias Panagopoulos

Eleftheria Papageorgiou

Christos Sgouropoulos

George  Tsakalos















 Chris Mavridis

Pollution is a big environmental problem. Unfortunately, pollution affects everything in this world the air, the water and the ground. They are connected like a chain. That is how:

Ground pollution is caused by us. Saying us, I mean all the people who do everything they can to pollute our environment. But, why? People don't understand how they do this. Others understand, but they benefit from it. What's the benefit and what does this cause? They or we are having more and more money and we don't care about our world. We build factories, we buy new cars and we throw rubbish on the streets.

As a result of all these, is the water pollution. The factories pollute the rivers with their sewage. The rivers pollute the sea and the sea pollutes us. The water becomes unhealthy. We can't drink it. The water pollutes the grass. We have no oxygen. The animals die. We die.

The air pollution is a mayor problem. The factory's smoke pollutes the air. This causes healthy problems to the animals and us. The cars, also, pollute the air. The result is death. All these problems may not affect us in the near future, but they cause a serious problem which is called Global Warming. 

A "solution" for this is recycling. This is only a part of the "final solution". We can recycle paper, glass and aluminium, for a start. By recycling paper we save the forests, the atmosphere, us. Glass is bad for the environment. We can recycle it and reuse it instead of making new.



























 Alexandros Nastas

 Pollution can destroy our planet. People throw away their trash and pollute the ground and the environment. When they use their cars, exhausted gases pollute the air. Factories pollute the air, the water and the ground. When there is a war and dangerous chemicals or nuclear bombs are thrown to kill their enemies and this way they pollute the air, the ground and the water. When nuclear factories do experiments and something goes wrong sometimes dangerous gases are free and pollute the air. Scientists warn that if we don't stop polluting the air, the ground and the water, then the planet will be destroyed and we will die due to our actions. Recycling can change this situation. We must avoid throwing our trash on the roads. We can recycle our trash. There are some tubs outside some supermarkets that accept plastic, glass, aluminium and even batteries. We can put filters in our cars and if we do this the air won't be polluted anymore. Factories must put filters in their chimneys to protect the atmosphere from the dangerous gases.
















Elias Panagopoulos

Pollution is the contamination of Earth's environment with materials that interfere with human health, with the quality of life and the natural functioning of ecosystems. There are two main categories of polluting materials called pollutants. Biodegradable pollutants and non degradable pollutants. The first, such as sewage, can rapidly decompose by natural processes and become a problem when added to the environment faster than they can decompose. The second do not decompose or decompose slowly in the natural environment. Once contamination occurs it is difficult or impossible to remove these pollutants from the environment. Air pollution can damage the upper atmospheric region known as the stratosphere. Excessive production of chlorine-containing compounds (compounds formerly used in refrigerators, air conditioners, and in the manufacture of polystyrene products) has depleted the stratospheric ozone layer, creating a hole above Antarctica that lasts for several weeks each year. As a result, exposure to the Sun's harmful rays has damaged aquatic and terrestrial wildlife and threatens human health in high-latitude regions of the northern and southern hemispheres. One of the greatest challenges caused by air pollution is global warming, an increase in Earth's temperature due to the build up of certain atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide and other gases, known as greenhouse gases, reduce the escape of heat from the planet without blocking radiation coming from the Sun. Soil is a mixture of mineral, plant, and animal materials and it is necessary for all agricultural production. Soil pollution is a build-up of toxic chemical compounds, salts, pathogens (disease­causing organisms), or radioactive materials that can affect plant and animal life. The pollution of rivers and streams with chemical contaminants has become one of the most critical environmental problems of the 20th century. Waterborne chemical pollution entering rivers and streams comes from two major sources: point pollution and non-point pollution. Point pollution involves those pollution sources from which distinct chemicals can be identified, such as factories, refineries or out fall pipes. Non-point pollution involves pollution from sources that cannot be precisely identified, such as runoff from agricultural or mining operations seepage from septic tanks or sewage drain fields. It is estimated that each year 10 million people die worldwide from drinking contaminated water. Ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, coral reefs, and rivers perform many important services for Earth's environment. They enhance water and air quality, provide habitat for plants and animals, and provide food and medicines. Any or all of these ecosystem functions may be impaired or destroyed by pollution.



























Eleftheria Papageorgiou


Pollution is rapidly becoming one of the most serious problems of our modern society. The great steps in technology and industry have brought with them the problems of pollution. There are many different forms of pollution:


Car exhaust fumes poison the air as a carbon monoxide is emitted and causes the smog which is highly dangerous for human health. Emissions from factories and smoke make the air we breathe polluted. Air pollution can cause respiratory disorders and lung cancer. Acids and chemicals in the air can cause physical or mental disorders too. Radiation from nuclear weapon tests is an invisible form of pollution but highly deadly. An absence of trees aggravates the problem as trees provide oxygen that is necessary for human existence.


Water supplies are contaminated by waste from industries that flows into the sea every day. Oil pollution occurs when tankers clean out their tanks at sea. Artificial fertilizers and pesticides that flow into rivers poison the water we drink. Waste from nuclear power has made our seas highly radioactive. As a result sea birds are polluted and fish die in their thousands. Some rivers are so badly polluted that fish cannot survive in them.


You only have to go to the nearest beach to see a form of pollution. Litter scattered everywhere and mounds of rubbish left by bathers. Food wrappers and containers float on rivers, lakes and seas. People carelessly litter their environment. Nuclear accidents lead to soil and land pollution. The modern methods of farming make the problem worse. Many plants and animals are in danger of becoming extinct. The soil has become infertile because crops are not organically grown. 


All forms of pollution act against nature. We should stop destroying our environment that gives us life. The government should impose fines on people who litter their environment and on companies that pollute our planet. We should strongly believe that we are responsible for our environment. Lead-free petrol can be used in cars so as to make the air we breathe less polluted. Marine life plants and animals should be protected. We should also take care of our water supplies as there is no life without water. Recycling can be the best solution to the problem because by recycling we can turn our rubbish into useful things. A lot of useless paper has been used to make straw shelters and a large amount of aluminium has been used to produce useful cans. Recycled glass can also be used to produce bottles and vases. In this way we dispose of our rubbish and we discourage pollution. We as individuals should take the consequences of pollution into great consideration. If we do not stop polluting our environment, our planet will not be livable in the future.


























Christos Sgouropoulos


In today life, it is well known that our surroundings are in danger. Ambitious people, who want to earn money, make factories which are very bad for the environment. These factories are always built in rural places near rivers and they discard their waste in the rivers. This is the main source of pollution. Moreover people do not care about pollution and they don’t do anything to make better the situation. Air pollution is another big environmental problem. All the gasses from the exhausts of the cars, spread in the air and pollute it too. This is very bad for us, because we use this polluted air to breathe. So, if we do that, we pollute ourselves. Pollution can kill or sicken plants, animals and people. Pollution can change the environment. Things that cause pollution are called pollutants.  As we said, pollution can get into the air. And polluted air can destroy human lungs. If polluted air is mixed with rain, then it is created acid rain which can destroy trees and fish in lakes and in the sea. Pollution can change everything on the earth. Many scientists believe that pollution can affect the climate. According to them, gasses trap the suns heat. They trap the heat like greenhouses. So, in that way pollution is changing the climate on earth.


But how can we make our planet better?


There are some alternative ways to make our planet better: Firstly we could all try to restrict our provisions, because in that way we won't discard them when we consider that they are too old for us. Secondly we could recycle things that we do not need anymore instead of discarding them. In that way we can be more environmental friendly because we relief the environment from making another product, but with not the same material. So if we recycle for example paper we won't force people to cut down trees, to make paper. Instead, they could pull through all this procedure with one thing: recycling.  



























George  Tsakalos


The pollution comes from the air, the water and the ground, and causes a lot of problems such as health problems and environmental problems. The factories produce smoke, and smoke pollutes the atmosphere. Moreover people don't put their litters in the rubbish bins, the sun burns them and it lights fire, which pollutes the atmosphere too. The fertilizers we use for our trees and plants go to the water and they pollute it. The wastes from the factories go into the water and they pollute it too. But we continue to swim in the summer. Finally, cars set smoke on the air and they pollute Earth, making a lot of smog. In order to save the environment, we must recycle and not to use so many fertilizers. Finally, we must use public transports to decrease the pollution from the cars.  These are some ways to protect our planet from pollution.