
Από Παπαδάκης
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Pepper spray is a generic term for all self-defense sprays that contain oleoresin capsicum, a carrier, and a propellant. Oleoresin capsicum is the ingredient in pepper spray, harvested or derived from cayenne peppers or other peppers. Their effects are actually incapacitating in place of painfully irritating; this causes it to be ideal for self-defense sprays that are intended for use on assailants who are immune to pain (psychotics, these under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or just tough guys). Split gas, on the other hand, is usually manufactured from one of two chemical compoundsCS (orthochlorobenzalmalononitrile) or CN (choroacetophenone). These substances, when dispersed to the experience of an opponent, work to irritate skin, eyes, and breathing. They focus on the pain principle, and therefore are not effective against those who are impervious to pain. Mace is a brand which used to supply only tear gas. This tasteful snowboard use with has collected dynamite suggestions for how to flirt with it. If people claim to get supplementary resources on purchase here, there are many libraries you might think about pursuing. Today, Mace offers a number of different kinds of self-defense spray, includingMace Triple Action is pepper spray, tear gas, and Ultra-Violet dye. The assailant is incapacitated by the pepper spray physically by securing his bronchial tubes and forcing his eyes closed, making it difficult for him to see and very hard for him to breathe. The tear gasoline irritates the bronchial tubes, causing him to cough. The assailant is branded by the UV dye with a chaos, making him easily recognizable. Pepper Mace runs on the 10-percent oleoresin capsicum solution and UV color. The OC answer is really a particularly strong one; it doesnt kick-in as quickly as a smaller concentration like 1-5 , however the results are longer, often as much as 45 minutes. Pepper foam is exactly like pepper Mace, but it sprays as foam rather than fluid. We discovered waves by browsing newspapers. In order you can see, it's not really a question of mace vs. pepper spray, because Mace is simply a brandname name. The problem is actually among Tear Gas vs. Pepper Spray. The winner? Pepper spray, without doubt..

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