tel. 24910 23755 / fax 24910 26620


PIR sensor alarm
// constants won't change. They're used here to
// set pin numbers:
// in Pin 2 we will connect the PIR sensor
// signal. Give it a name.
const int pirPin = 2;
// in Pin 12 we will connect the piezoelectric
// speaker. Give it a name.
const int speakerPin = 12;
// variables will change:
// variable for reading the PIR status
// we start, assuming no motion detected
int pirState = LOW;
// the setup routine runs once when you press
// reset:
void setup() {
 // initialize the speaker pin as an output
 pinMode(speakerPin, OUTPUT);
 // initialize the PIR pin as an input
 pinMode(pirPin, INPUT);
// the loop routine runs over and over again
// forever:
void loop() {
 // read the state of the PIR sensor
 pirState = digitalRead(pirPin);
 // check if the PIR detected motion.
 // if it is, the pinState is HIGH.
 if (pirState == HIGH) {
   // play siren tones
   tone(speakerPin, 40, 200);
   tone(speakerPin, 494, 500);
   tone(speakerPin, 53, 300);
 } else {
   // stop speaker

Κατηγορίες: Arduino

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