Dr Vasileios Fanaras

Director of 2nd High School of Thessaloniki
Tutor / Hellenic Open University


Experts Meeting on Stem Cell Research

Chateau de Bossey, Celigny, Geneva, Switzerland,  1-2 December 2008

The World Council of Churches in Geneva, together with the Volos Academy for Theological Studies in Greece, is organizing a meeting on ethical issues surrounding stem cell research, to be held at the Chateau de Bossey, Celigny (Switzerland) on 1-2 December 2008.

The meeting will gather scientific experts and ethcists from various faith traditions to begin preparations for a broad theological reflection on stem cell research to be held in the Fall of 2009 at Volos Academy for Theological Studies. The purpose of the meeting will be to finalize a concept paper which is to be the background document of the 2009 event and to begin organizing the details of the event.

Contact persons:

Dr. Hielke Wolters hwo@wcc-coe.org

Dr.Vassilios G. Fanaras bfanaras@otenet.gr

Dr. Maria van Heemstra  mvh@wcc-coe.org