Wrapping up

In this WBT a lot of recent developments have been talked about. And there is so much more.


  • In this module we discussed the meaning of Web 2.0 and even if it is kind of a fuzzy word it is a change we can see amongst our students at this moment. The way we communicate and create is different.
  • We also looked at game based learning. A complex way of learning but it could be a very engaging activity for our students.
What's next?

That is a good question. The great thing about the future (also within education) is that it is hard to predict. But we can try to find some clues.

Within these changes and advancements, the teachers' role changes rapidly. eTwinning is part of these changes as it comprises New Technologies with the new learning theories and cultivates the innovation. 5 years ago we started an ambitious action, hoping to follow the development. Today I can say  with certainty that we are heading before the advancements!

We hope you got triggered to think about these things and you will have some ideas how to use it within your eTwinning projects!