Other tools

Multimedia tools

One of the interesting things about New Technologies are the possibilities for the use of varies kind of multimedia. The combination can offer a strong and powerful learning experience for your students.

To add multimedia to your projects a lot of different applications can be used. For every multimedia form a specialized application/environment is available.

Different additional applications are available for producing:

  • audio;
  • video;
  • animations;
  • simulations.

Other tools (for production and/or for learning)

There are many tools that can be used to make the learning experience richer and more effective. Some of the tools can be used in the production process and some of them can be used during the learning process.

Some examples:

    virtual seminar tool [students and teachers can present presentations and share content and ideas in a synchronous event];
  • instant messaging tool [you know who is online and can contact this person easily];
  • mind mapping tool [for yourself or for students]
  • wiki tool [partners schools can create content in a collaborative way].