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pp 155-162

6.3.2 Clapp oscillator
A variation of the oscillator Colpitts by connecting a capacitor C in series with the inductor L gives the oscillator Clapp. The Sch.6.5 shows such an oscillator with a BJT. The addition of capacitor improves the stability of oscillation. This stability can be further improved if we use a piezoelectric crystal. When the capacitive resistance of the capacitors C1 and C2 are high on the capacitor is added, the oscillation frequency is determined by the relationship we saw in the oscillator Colpitts. H capacity C may be variable in order to have variable resonant frequency at a given frequency range. The resonance frequency, the parallel resistance of series LC circuit is

The oscillation frequency is given again by:

Depending ELECTRONICS 156

minimum so that the resonance frequency is practically independent of the parameters of the transistor.

Figure 6.5. Clapp oscillator with a BJT
but where now we
1 = _L + _L +1
Ct C1 C2 C
Also, according to Eq. (6.3.2) proves that to ensure the maintenance of oscillations, must apply again the same relation to the oscillator Colpltts, ie Eq. (6.3.5).
If C1 << C2, why anasyzefxis given by:

and the strengthening of the amplifier:

 Example 6-3
O above oscillator is L = 33 mH, C1 = C2 = 100 nF, C = 1200 nF, hfe = 100, RC = 470 and Z hie = 1 kQ. Find the frequency of oscillation, the ratio anasyzefxis maintained if the oscillations.
From Eq. (3.6.10) we have

C = 48 nF
The Eq. (6.3.9) gives

O ratio is anasyzefxis

To maintain the oscillations we have

The voltage gain of the amplifier transistor is:
which is much greater than 2. Therefore we maintain the oscillations.
The Sch.6.6 shows Clapp oscillator with TE. The oscillator that all of the above relations with the only difference is the voltage gain of the amplifier is given by

known relationship with a reversal of the amplifier, ie

 Example 6-4
We calculate oscillator Clapp gives oscillations with resonance 50 kHz, using the TE 741.
We accept as a reasonable value L = 2.2 mH. Therefore, from Eq. (6.3.9),

We choose the standard value b = 0.1. Therefore,

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Figure 6.6. Clapp oscillator with TE

Assuming a reasonable value Ct = 4.7 nF and C2 = 100 nF

To have a dependent oscillations should apply Eq (6.3.5),


So if dechoume, eg, R1 = 10 kQ, we have
R2> 110 KW

6.3.3 Hartley oscillator

O oscillator Hartley, Sch.6.7, like the oscillator Colpitts, except that the position and role of capacitors and coils have been reversed. That is, to create the anasyzefxi used two coils L1 and L2 (in place of the capacitors C1 and C2) and a capacitor C (in place of L). O resistors R1, R2, Re RC and create the proper polarity of the transistor. The resonant frequency of oscillation is determined by the lattice coordination (L1, L2, C). O capacitor C can be variable and therefore the circuit to selectively coordinate within a given frequency range. O capacitor C2 is capacitor barrier (the dc voltage to not appear at the output) and the capacitor Ce is capacitor leakage.
Repeating the reasoning we did for the oscillator Colpitts, but now putting X1 =] h L1, X2 =] oh and L2 X3 = 1 / joC in Eq. (6.3.1) and Eq. (6.3.2), we find that the oscillation frequency is given by

Lt = L + L
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Figure 6.7. BJT Harley oscillator with
Also, it turns out, that to be dependent oscillations, we must apply the formula:
where, Av is the strengthening of the amplifier in this case (transistor CE), are:
 Example 6-5
O above Hartley oscillator has the following component values: L1 = L2 = 4.7 mH, C = 22 nF, RC = 2.2 kQ, and the transistor has hie = 1 kQ and hfe = 50. Find the resonant frequency of oscillation and to check whether the oscillations are dependent.
Lt = L1 + L2 = 4.7 + 4.7 = 9.4 mH

Besides, from Eq. (3.6.19), we

Therefore satisfied the inequality of Eq. (3.6.18) so we maintain the oscillations.
The Sch.6.8 shows the Hartley oscillator with TE. The resonant frequency is given again by Eq. (3.6.16). It remains to apply the Treaty of Eq. (6.3.18) for the maintenance of oscillations, but the aid If it is known from the type of reverse amplifier with TE
Because the input impedance of the TE is great, why are anasyzefxis,




Figure 6.8. Harley oscillator with TE

L1 = (1 -,) Lt = 0,9 x 1 = 0.9 mH
L2 = Lt - L1 = 1 - 0.9 = 0.1 mH
Finally, according to Eq. (6.3.18), the aid to give the amplifier to have a dependent oscillations are:

Therefore, in Eq. (6.3.20) should


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 Example 6-6
We compute Hartley oscillator with TE (eg the 741) for the resonance frequency 30 kHz.
We accept the logical value Lt = 1 mH, so Eq. (06/03/16)

Then we, as usual, b = 0.1. Therefore, if you connect the Eq. (3.6.17) and

Eq. (3.6.21), we get

So if we accept the R1 = 10 KW, so we find that R2> 10 x R1 = 100 KW.

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