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More about PIC16F84A Microprocessor

In these pages you will see the basic structure of the device, until the planning stage through various methods and techniques. Also, there will be suggestions on how to modify the code so that you can customize the PIC to suit your applications. We will not analyze the moment diagrams and internal architecture, as this can only lead to confusion. If you want to see the data sheet, datasheet, or otherwise then this can be downloaded from the website of 'chip'.

To begin, let's take a look at the feet of the PIC 16F84 microcontroller of Microchip. There are many different versions available, some basic low memory size, with or without analog - to digital converters and even PWM mounted on the inside. Here we will focus on the PIC 16F84. Once you learn how to program a type of PIC, learning for the rest is easier.


There are several ways of programming the PIC - using BASIC, C, or Language of the assembly. I will see the language assembly. Do not get discouraged by it. There are only 35 commands to mathetai, and is the easiest way to program the PIC and does not need any additional software other than mplab.

  The PIC16F84 Pins

     Below is a diagram showing the pin-out of the PIC 16F84. and explain their role.


    RA0 to RA4
    RA is a bidirectional port. That may be configured as input or output. The number following the RA is the number of bit (0 to 4). So we have a 5-bit directional port where each of the stand-pin can be configured as input or output.

    Rb0 to RB7
    RB is a second bidirectional port. It behaves exactly the same way as the previous one, except that there are 8 - bits involved in this port.

    The VSS VDD
    These are the power pins. VDD is the positive power supply, and VSS is the negative power supply, or 0V. The maximum voltage that you can use is 6V, and the minimum is 2V

    These pins is where you connect an external crystal, so that the microcontroller to generate a frequency or so-called clock.

    This pin is used to delete the posts mnimis.Se normal use is connected to the positive power supply.

    This is an input pin is used to cause interruptions in the program from an external device. For now we will not use this pin.

    This is another entrance to the clock, which operates an internal timer. It operates in isolation with the master clock. And it will not use it enough.