Filming of the EMB Meetings/Documentation


“We don’t remember days, we remember moments”
Cesare Pavese, Italian poet and writer


Filming material for the final DOCUMENTATION DVD is one of the activities that we incorporated in each short- term training session. All of us were responsible for it, as in all other activities, and we all observed, took photos and recorded everything happening during the whole week from the arrival moment till our departure. The short videos also include social, cultural and touristic aspects in the framework of Erasmus+. Our Turkish colleague was assigned to produce a short film of 10 minutes for each of the seven meetings, in order to show the main activities mentioned on our application form.
Watching these films can:

  • Enlighten those interested in Erasmus+ projects
  • Give an overview of our Short-Term Training Sessions
  • Be used for dissemination purposes
  • Be a tell-tale proof that so many people from so many countries (a 10 country Erasmus cooperation seems to have no precedent) can work together effectively, without gender, religious, language, cultural discriminations.

You can watch our films on: