Συνδέσεις  Εκπαιδευτικού Λογισμικού για τα Μαθηματικά



3D Grapher RomanLab Software

3D-Filmstrip by Richard Palais

ABF Value Converter. (Version 1.5)

Adept Scientific plc

A-Converter 1.0 Duality Software

Advanced Grapher Serpik Soft

Advanced Converter 2.0 MathTerra

Advantix Calculator MathEduSoft

Algebra Binary Calculus Logic Graphical Calculator MathEduSoft

Algebrator - an Algebra Problem Solver for Students and Teachers

AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming

Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel

Arizona Mathematical Software  A collection of approximately 60 educational programs

Artlandia Mathematica-based software for creating mathematical and algorithmic art

Autograph - plotting software, the first 2000 primes, and more

Berkeley Madonna is arguably the fastest, most convenient, general purpose differential equation solver available today. - by Robert Macey and George Oster

BNALib A Visual Basic Numerical Analysis Library

Bradley's 2D3D Scientific Calculator

Brain Builder - Math Edition

Bertrand: Symbolic Logic Problem-Solving Software by Larry Herzberg

Cabri Geometry IITM Texas Instruments

Calc 3D by Andreas Greuer

Calculus 1.0 - Software for Windows by Ashay Dharwadker

Calipso for Linear Algebra

Combinatorics v1.0 Combinatoric operation calculator. Freeware

CGAL Computational Geometry Algorithms Library

Cinderella - The Interactive Geometry Software Jürgen Richter-Gebert & Ulrich Kortenkamp

Click-n 4.0 is back! Free Download!

CoCoA commutative computer algebra

Cognitive Technologies Corporation creates and publishes award-winning educational software for ages 10 and up

Colorful Mathematics - Mathematics computer games a series of educational software

Coypu graph plotting software for MS Windows and Acorn computers

CurveExpert 1.3, curve fitting and regression software by Daniel Hyams

DataFit version 7.1 Oakdale Engineering

A Soft Answer - software for Scientists and Engineers by David I Hoyer

DataFit 2.1 - Advanced Curve Fitting

Diff - Differential Calculus

Decision Tree for Optimization Software

DERIVE 6 a Mathematical Assistant

Calculus Concepts Using Derive: Table of Contents

Downloadable Software from the Geometry Center

DPGraph: Dynamic Photorealistic Graphing by David Parker

EASY-FIT Version 3.1 (2001) by K. Schittkowski

Equation Grapher with Regression Analyzer

Equation Grapher by Paul Flavin

Equation Software in Java for the Internet Poliplus Software

EuclidianReality by Fabien Coulon

Euklides is a dynamic geometric software you can construct 2D geometric objects with.

EULER is a numerical laboratory with a programming language.

Fermat, Computer Algebra System

FinLib 1.1 TeraTech Inc

Funmaths Game Station High School Mathematics Interactive Learning

Future School Educational programs for students Grades K-12

The Geometer's Sketchpad® by Key Curriculum Press

Sketchpad Activity Center

Dynamic Geometry Home Page Development Center, Inc. in Newton.

Geometria An interactive standalone Java program in solid geometry.

Geomview 3D Graphics viewer

GrafEq by Pedagoguery Software

GRAPE - Graphics Programming Environment

Graph 3.0 is a freeware program used to draw mathematical graphs in a coordinate system.

Graphe Easy is a feature-rich yet easy-to-use 2d-graph plotting Windows software

Graphing Calculator 3.1 for MacOS Pacific Tech

Graphing Calculator V3.0 by David B. Sher

Graphis 2D and 3D graphing software: graph plotting and data analysis for science and engineering

Graphmatica... kSoft page

GraphPlus Graphing Calculator for Windows

HandyGraph Del Rey, Inc.

HartMath (Computer Algebra Java-Applet)

HiDigit Scientific calculator for Windows®

HiQ - HiQ Analysis, Visualization, and Report Generation National Instruments Corporation

Imbroglio Abscissatron 1.0

The Integrator Powered by Mathematica

Intelligent Tutor The programs in the Intelligent Tutor software series contain tutorials designed to help students learn and master Grades 7-12 math subjects.

Interactive Geometry Classroom Resources (Math Forum)

Interactive Java Applets by Fergus Murray

Isabelle is a popular generic theorem proving environment developed at Cambridge University (Larry Paulson) and TU Munich (Tobias Nipkow).

JACAL is an interactive symbolic mathematics program.

JavaView is 3d geometry viewer and numerical software library written in Java.

Key Curriculum (Geometer's Sketchpad, Tesselmania, NuCalc) -Key Curriculum Press

The KnotPlot Site by Robert G. Scharein

labs.calculus.net - Laboratory Projects - (Theorist/MathView)

Learning in Motion Home Page A publisher of innovative software for K-12 education.

LiDIA A C++ Library For Computational Number Theory

LiveMath computer algebra and graphing system

Live Real-Time Online Mathematics Tutoring - Elluminate

Logic Software from CSLI -- Hyperproof, The Language of First-order Logic, Tarski's World and Turing's World, by Jon Barwise and John Etchemendy

Lumenaut Excel Statistical and Decision Analysis Tree Add-In Software for Business Professionals

Macaulay 2 is a software system devoted to supporting research in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra

The Magma System for Algebra, Number Theory and Geometry

MAGNUS: A graphically-oriented software system for computational group theory


6.3 Maple Datorhandboken - Chalmers - av Kent Petersson (Swedish) 

Adept Scientific: Introducing Maple 9

Calculus I with Maple V (North Carolina State University)

Calculus II with Maple V (North Carolina State University)

Comparative Technology: TI-85 with MAPLE by Gary A. Harris

Comsol: Maple9  

Interdisciplinary course in math, chemistry, and physics

Maple at Indiana University

Maple Exemples and Tutorial (at the University of Utah)

Maple Index - University of Texas at Austin.

Rex's Maple FrontEnd v0.8 by Rex Dieter

Software for An Introduction to Scientific, Symbolic, and Graphical Computation

Math.Assist. 7.1 One of the most popular Shareware Math Programs in Germany

The Math League - Math Help, contests, and software for grades 4 to 12

  MathSoft Inc.

Calculus Animations with Mathcad by Przemyslaw Bogacki and Gordon Melrose



An Introduction to Mathcadby Sidney H. Young and Theresa Julia Zielinski

The MathSoft Math Puzzle Page

Visual Electromagnetics for Mathcad by K.W. Whites

MathEdit K-Talk Communications

 Wolfram Research

Analytica Mathematica software and related package

Areas with Gauss-Green Formula Mathematica notebook

Calculus&Mathematica Home Page at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Ohio State University

Exploring Abstract Algebra with Mathematica

Interactive Learning in Calculus and Differential Equations with Applications

Leibniz Home Page Leibniz is a graphical front end to Mathematica

MathGroup The Email Group for Mathematica Users

Mathematica Related URL's by Steven M. Christensen and Associates, Inc

Mathtensor, Inc.

Newton's Method (an evaluated Mathematica notebook)

Ricci: A Mathematica package for doing tensor calculations in differential geometry Version 1.35

MathGV Function Plotting Software by Greg VanMullem

mathlive, mathlive pro Milo Hedge Ltd

MathML Software W3C MathML implementations page

MathPad by Mark Widholm

Mathtools.net: The technical computing portal for all your scientific and engineering needs.

Mathscribe Free dynamic graphing, modeling, solving, formula editing, etc.

Mathtools.net by MathWorks

MathType, the Professional Version of Equation Editor


MathViews by MathWizards

MATLAB 6.5.1 by the The MathWorks

ATLAST Project Forum

Indiana University.

6.2 MATLAB Datorhandboken - Chalmers av Kent Petersson 

Morphology Toolbox for MATLAB


Matrix Market (NIST)

Maximal Software

Maxima for Symbolic Computation Program

Merit Software Products - Support for the teaching of math skills

MicroMath Scientific Software

MLAB Civilized Software, Inc

Modelmaker 4

MthX, Mathemania and Megalomania

MuPAD (Multi Processing Algebra Data Tool) The Open Computer Algebra System

NCSS (NCSS=NumberCruncher Statistical System) Statistical Software

Netlib Netlib is a collection of mathematical software, papers, and databases.

Neufeld & Associates Online The Understanding Math Programs Online

NonEuclid is Java Software for Interactively Creating Ruler and Compass Constructions (by Joel Castellanos)

NuCalc 2.0 for Windows Pacific Tech

Numerical Algorithms Group

Numerit develop numerical-computation programs and create publication-quality mathematical documents

numeracysoftware.com Free numeracy software to support mathematics teaching in schools

O-Matrix for Windows - Harmonic Software, Inc.

OpenMath Software And Tools

Optimization Software Optimization Technology Center

Origin Data analysis and graphing software

Ornament A DOS-program for drawing and analyzing ornaments.

Otter An Automated Deduction System

Peanut Software for Windows. by Rick Parris

PEST: Parameter Estimation for Any Model by Watermark Computing

Piologie is a library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on natural, integer and rational numbers.

Polymake was (and still is) a versatile tool for the algorithmic treatment of polytopes and polyhedra.


ProMath 3.0 TeraTech Inc

The REDUCE Computer Algebra System Version 3.7
    REDTEN is a symbolic algebra package for REDUCE

Resampling Stats 5.0   at http://www.statistics.com/

Rlab Web Site by Ian Searle

RF21.EXE programmable mathematics freeware by Christoph Hohmann

sbParser-SDK 4.5 for Win32 useful for fast calculations, can solve mathematical functions of any length

Schur 5.3.1 An Interactive Program For Calculating Properties Of Lie Groups and Symmetric Functions - by Brian Wybourne

Scientific NoteBook by MacKichan Software, Inc.

Scientific Word version 4.0 MacKichan Software

Scilab is a scientific software package for numerical computations in a user-friendly environment.

ScienceGL Professional Software Solutions for 3D/4D Scientific Visualization

Singular A Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations

SliderMath Mathematics Home School CD Education Instruction Lessons by SliderMath

A Soft Answer - software for Scientists and Engineers

SoftBase Top 100 Mathematics

SMILE Mathematics Software and printed math resources aimed at students aged 8-11

SPAsoft (Software Production Associates) Educational Software

Sprott's Software by J. C. Sprott

Stata statistical software for use by research professionals


SureMath Home Page SureMath is easy-to-use problem solving software for teachers, students

surf is a tool to visualize some real algebraic geometry

Artlandia SymmetryWorks by Artlandia, Inc.

Tecplot version 9

Transmath - A CBL Mathematics Tutor


UCALC 4.0 Windows multipurpose calculator

Ultra Fractal: Advanced Fractal Software by Frederik Slijkerman.

University of Arizona: Mathematical Software development: Mathematics and Graphics Software

WebEQTM Developers Suite Design Science

WebMathematics Interactive

WebStat is freely available data analysis software for use over the World Wide Web.

Wheatworks Software Financial Calculators

WinConverter 1.61 OneMir

WorksheetFactory.com - Free Educational Software

xFunctions xPresso by David Eck

XpressMP Dash Optimization

xyAlgebra - Computer-Based Instruction in Basic Algebra and Verbal Problems by Professor John C. Miller