Τελευταία Νέα

School plays

"A Midsummer Night's Dream" 


Lysander, Hermia , Demetrius and Helen seek shelter in the forest to find love away from the rules imposed on them by society.

The ?fairies? that? live? in ?the? woods ?are? also ?having ?problems.? Oberon, ?the? king ?of? fairies decides? to? play ?a ?trick? on? Titania, the queen of fairies. ?He? asks? his? helper,? Puck,? to ?find ?a? magical? flower.? The ?flower’s ?juices? are? supposed ?to? make ?someone? fall? in? love? with? the? first? thing ?they ?see.? Oberon? wants? ?to? use it ?on? Titania to make her fall in love with him.

In? another? part? of? the? woods,? a? group? of? workers are? practicing? a? play? to ?perform? for? Duke? Theseus? on? his? wedding? day.? They? are? very ?funny? and? silly ?characters.? Nick? Bottom ?is ?the ?loudest? and? funniest? of? them? all.? ?Puck? sees ?Nick? Bottom ?and ?thinks ?it ?would ?be ?funny ?to ?make ?Queen ?Titania? fall? in ?love? with ?him.? Then? he ?make?s the ?joke? even ?funnier ?by ?turning? Nick? Bottom’s? head ?into ?a? donkey?head.?

A dreamy, colourful, and a bit sinister world of fairies and magic comes alive in the forest during the midnight hours of midsummer when all human beings are supposed to be sleeping in their beds. The disagreement of the King and Queen of fairies disrupts the harmony of nature and the order of the world of humans. Everything seems like a nightmare. But fortunately this nightmare is as short as a Midsummer night.

In fact, everything that happens at night in an enchanted forest is probably a dream. Or maybe it isn't...

Students' perfomances of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" 
