Page 13 - Binder1
P. 13

Hello, I'm Batou. I visited Romania and I liked it very much. I also liked the school, the

               hotel and the food. I made some new friend there. I would like to visit Romania again

               someday. I look forward to meeting again in Greece.

               I am Batou's mom. I was very happy that my son would visit a new country and that he

               would meet new people. I would like to thank all the teacher and the people worked so as

               Batou to have a great time.

                                                                                                 I am Batou's dad and I would like to

                                                                                                 say that, in the begging, it was a bit

                                                                                                 difficult to be apart but, later, when

                                                                                                 I  received all these beautiful photos

                                                                                                 and I heard  my son so pleased and

                                                                                                 excited I realized that he was very

                                                                                                 lucky to live t his experience. I would

                                                                                                 like to thank all teachers who

                                                                                                 organized it and took care of him.
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