The title of the project :"LIGHTHOUSES AND STATIONS. TRIP TO ITACA" makes reference to the point of departure and the destination of thousands of people who have and still have to migrate in Europe. In this project we want our students to take active part and therefore, they should film a documentary about migration in each of the participant countries. We consider that the most representative places to carry out these films can be lighthouses and stations as they have always guided migrations in the past. Though the cinema, we will lend voice to many of the people who were forced to migrate at a time of their lives, and that now are making part of this project. We are going to organize face to face meetings and debates in each country with the students who have been working and communicating on-line between meetings.
Portugal - Life stamps
Spain - Crossing the border
-5 new self-made documentaries will be produced. The objectives are:
- Analysis how to increase participation in adult learning from low level students, older people, immigrants and minority ethnic communities
- Sharing good practice, insights into engagement, motivation, design and delivery of community learning and active citizenship.
- Feedback and conclusions.
- A toolkit with good practice and case studies.
- Each team is going to film the documentary in their mother tongue and add subtitles in English . With this, we could improve languages and the results will be used as "Multiplier activity" because we are disseminating the information in each country and we are disseminating the languages of the EU.
To create the documentary, we will follow the steps below:
- Analytical phase: Students will learn about technical aspects.
- Creative phase:
1) creation of scripts.
2) filming of the documentaries ABOUT EMPLOYMENT AND MIGRATION. The students will make self-made documentaries directed and starred by the participants of each country. The participants will learn what information should a good documentary convey and how to do this.
Slovenia - At home in Bela Krajina
Croatia - Crab's children
They have to think about both images and the words on screen as well as music and dialogue in the sound.
In the documentaries, they will tell about their personal migration experiences, or the testimonies of their closest relatives or friends.
In order to motive our students, we will include in the documentaries young people who have participated in European programs such as ERASMUS, MAC or even COMENIUS projects as students.
Once the documentary has been finished, it will be digitally distributed on the platforms of the project , and it will be projected in every participant country. After the projection of the documentary, it will be held a colloquium with the filmmakers and that will make part of the dissemination of the activities of the project at all levels.
The resulting DOCUMENTARIES ABOUT EMPLOYMENT AND MIGRATION will also be analyzed at the end of the "cinematic work-book" included in the guide in the same way that the previously watched films, what will as well be used as evaluation of the work done. Documentaries will be made in the mother tongue of each of the participants, adding English subtitles in the post- production phase).
After the evaluation there will be two separated but related outcomes:
- Suggestions for the film designers (students and participants), and
- Recommendations for the practitioners (for mentors, teachers and expert public.
Greece - Second Chance