Innovative educational methods and the use of new technologies in didactics, Cooperative Learning and the use of the Cloud
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Innovative educational methods and the use of new technologies in didactics, Cooperative Learning and the use of the Cloud

Written by Super User. Posted in Σεμινάρια

Formative targets: employment of digital environments and digital content construction. 

Design and construction of educational material and multimedia routes, changeable in time and always available, usable in any contest and with any tool with customizable access policy, for the on line and off line didactics of your students.
Extensive space will be left to cooperative learning and to the realization of team work models, with didactics documentation in the cloud and off line.
Contents: learning about the free applications of Google and Gsuite, about some apps for didactics and cooperative learning, and collaborative development of functional formation modules and routes for didactics on the cloud.
Expected routes: 5 laboratorial workshops of 3 hours each (total of 15 hours) plus 10 hours online.
1. Gmail andother Google apps: Keep, Calendar, Contacts and Hangouts
2. The working environment [smartphone, tablet, web app]
3. The Cloud: GoogleDrive and materialsharing
4. Presentations, Sheets, Documents, Modules
5. The Google Classroom

If you are interested please inform us, until 15 Dec 2019, here: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.