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A Speaking Lesson 1. You are outside a cinema complex and you see these film posters on display. Which film would you choose to watch and why. 2. In pairs find the types of the following films and write them in the space provided. For each type write your own favourite film ·Star Wars · ·The Exorcist ·Die Hard ·Pretty Woman ·Afish called Wanda ·As good as it gets
3. In pairs find which of these adjectives have a positive and which a negative meaning. ·amusing ·thrilling ·horrible ·hilarious ·revolting ·heartbreaking · dull ·tiresome· awful ·comical ·boring ·disgusting ·fascinating ·amazing 4. You are doing a class survey on popular films. For this part you have to choose your favourite movie, write some brief clues about it in the table given and then be prepared to describe it to your fellow students. 5. Apart from talking from your notes you have to listen carefully to your fellow students and take short notes of their descriptions 6. For the last part of the survey you have to rate your fellow students’ favourite movies (if you have seen them). Your rating is Rating System µ Don’t see it! µµ Not very good µµµ Good µµµµ Very Good µµµµµ Don’t miss it! 7. It is time for conclusions. As a group find out Most popular film, according to the number of people who have seen it Most popular film, according to the rating system Most popular type of film Most popular place for watching 8. Expanding from your notes write about your favourite film