
Hot Potatoes



The Hot Potatoes is created by the University of Victoria in Canada and the suite includes six applications, enabling you to create:

  • interactive multiple-choice;
  • short-answer;
  • jumbled-sentence;
  • crossword;
  • matching/ordering;
  • and gap-fill exercises.

Hot Potatoes is not freeware, but it is free of charge for those working for publicly-funded non-profit-making educational institutions, who make their pages available on the web.
It is a tool that can be integrated easily within current e-Learning pages but it is not a very sophisticated application. It is more suitable if you want some extra interactive, web-based exercises within a module.
Due to the limitations it is not the right environment if you want to offer real testing and assessment (e.g. with all the reporting functionality).

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Mystudiyo: is a tool which you can use to create professional looking quizzes for your common website or blog. It takes just a few minutes to make a quiz and seconds to add it to your site. Any quiz you make is hosted on the site and is available to play for free anytime. Simply add your own content to its great-looking quiz templates and create a customized quiz for your students and parnters. After you’ve created your quiz, copy and paste a few lines of HTML into your website and you’re ready to go! In your quiz you have the chance to add video, images and text.

Useful links


Qedoc Quiz Maker

High-end application for creating and modifying interactive learning content for playback on the Qedoc Quiz Player. Features include convenient and fast generation of training and testing material, flexible reusability of defined tasks, highly configurable and varied test types, exceptionally smart and interactive interfaces, easy publication and a true interactive WYSIWYG preview display.

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