Www.arithmoi.gr Λειτουργία του ιστοτόπου στη νέα δομή φιλοξενείας του Πανελλήνιου Σχολικού Δικτύου: http://shasapis.sites.sch.gr Σύνδεσμοι σχετικοί με Μαθηματικά.

Σύνδεσμοι σχετικοί με Μαθηματικά.


Sotirios D. Hassapis
Σωτήριος Δ. Χασάπης

Μαθηματικές Υπερσυνδέσεις


Τελευταία ενημέρωση : 29/04/2009 12:39:12 πμ +0300




The resources listed here have been divided into different categories. Please make your selection from the following:

bullet General Mathematics Web Sites - in the United States
bullet General Mathematics Web Sites - in other countries
bullet Pure Mathematics, History of Mathematics and Biographies
bullet Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
bullet Math Teaching, Math Education and Math Student Servers
bullet Statistics, Probability and Related Fields
bullet Mathematics References, Utilities and FAQ's
bullet Mathematics Discussion Groups
bullet Mathematics Newsletters and Announcements
bullet Mathematics Newsgroups
bullet Mathematics Software, Program, Graphers and Calculators
bullet Mathematics Books and Publications
bullet Mathematics Journals and Preprints
bullet Mathematical Art, Graphics, VRML and Cryptography
bullet College and Pre-College Mathematics -- Activities, Help and Software
bullet Miscellaneous Web Pages related to Mathematics
bullet Directories of Mathematics Resources


General Mathematics Web Sites in the USA

bullet American Mathematical Society (AMS)
bullet Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
bullet Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
bullet American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC)
bullet Wisconsin Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (WisMATYC)
bullet National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
bullet COMAP -- The Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications
bullet Association for Women in Mathematics
bullet Appalachian State University - Mathematics Department
bullet Argonne National Laboratories - Mathematics and Computer Science Division.
bullet University of Arizona - Program in Applied Mathematics.
bullet AT & T Bell Laboratories - Mathematics Research Group.
bullet Binghamton University / SUNY at Binghamton - Mathematical Sciences Department.
bullet Boston University - Department of Mathematics and Statistics
bullet Bowling Green State University - Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
bullet Brigham Young University - Mathematics Department.
bullet University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - Mathematics Department
bullet Caltech - Applied Mathematics Department
bullet Case Western Reserve University - Mathematics Department
bullet Clemson University - Mathematics Department
bullet University of Colorado, Denver - Mathematics Department
bullet University of Delaware - Mathematical Sciences.
bullet EINet Galaxy - Science including Math.
bullet University of Florida - Mathematics Department.
bullet Florida State University - Mathematics Department.
bullet Florida State University - WWW Virtual Library/Mathematics.
bullet Georgia State University - Mathematics and Computer Science.
bullet University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Mathematics Department.
bullet Western Illinois University - Mathematics Department
bullet Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy - for High Schools.
bullet Iowa State University - Mathematics Department.
bullet Kent State University - Mathematics Department
bullet Loyola University - Mathematics Department
bullet University of Maryland, Baltimore County - Mathematics/Statistics Department.
bullet U Massachusetts, Amherst - GANG Home Page.
bullet Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI)
bullet The MathWorks Inc.
bullet University of Michigan - Mathematics Department.
bullet Michigan State University - Mathematics Department
bullet University of Minnesota - Department of Mathematics.
bullet University of Minnesota - Institute for Mathematics an its Applications.
bullet St. Olaf College - Mathematics Department
bullet University of Missouri-Columbia -- Department of Mathematics
bullet Northwestern University - Department of Mathematics.
bullet Oak Ridge National Lab. - Mathematical Sciences Section
bullet Oklahoma State University - Mathematics Department.
bullet University of Pennsylvania - Mathematics Department.
bullet Pennsylvania State University - Department of Mathematics.
bullet Pennsylvania State University - Erie, The Behrend College - Mathematics Department
bullet Indiana University of Pennsylvania - Mathematics Department
bullet Rutgers University - Mathematics Department.
bullet University of South Carolina - Department of Mathematics.
bullet Stevens Institute of Technology - Mathematics Department
bullet SUNY at Stony Brook - Mathematics Department.
bullet University of Tennessee, Knoxville - Department of Mathematics.
bullet Texas A & M - Department of Mathematics.
bullet University of Texas at Austin - Department of Mathematics.
bullet United States Military Academy - leibniz
bullet United States Military Academy - euler
bullet University of Utah Mathematics Department
bullet Wake Forest University - Mathematics and Computer Science Department
bullet Wesleyan University - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
bullet University of Wisconsin, Madison - Department of Mathematics.
bullet University of Wisconsin Marathon County - Department of Mathematics.
bullet University of Wisconsin Colleges - Department of Mathematics
bullet Madison Area Technical College - Wisconsin -- Department of Mathematics
bullet Yahoo.com - Mathematics Page.
bullet Yale University - Mathematics Department.

Go back to Contents .

General Mathematics Web Sites outside the USA

These entries are listed in alphabetical order of names of the countries.

bullet Math-Net -- Internet information services for mathematicians.
bullet MathGate -- An Internet Resource Catalogue for Mathematics
bullet MathGuide -- An Internet Resource Catalogue for Mathematics
bullet Australian National University, Australia - School of Mathematical Sciences.
bullet University of Sydney Mathematics Department
bullet Victoria University, Australia - Mathematics and Computer Science
bullet Salzburg University, Austria - Mathematics Department
bullet University of Toronto, Canada - Mathematics Department.
bullet Aalborg University, Denmark - Mathematics and Computer Science.
bullet University of Aarhus, Denmark - Mathematics Institute.
bullet University of Bath, England - Mathematics Department
bullet University of Cambridge, England - Faculty of Mathematics.
bullet Durham University, England - Department of Mathematical Sciences.
bullet University of East Anglia, England - School of Mathematics.
bullet Lancaster University, England - Mathematics Department
bullet University of Warwick, England - Mathematics Institute.
bullet University of Wolverhampton, England - Department of Mathematics.
bullet Computer Sciences Center, Finland - Mathematics Server.
bullet University of Jyvaskyla, Finland - Department of Mathematics.
bullet University of Helsinki, Finland.
bullet University of Aix-Marseille III, France - Department of Mathematics
bullet Centre International de Recontres Mathematiques, France (CIRM)
bullet Ecole Normale Superieure, France - General WWW Server.
bullet Bayreuth University, Germany
bullet Bonn University, Germany
bullet Frankfurt University, Germany
bullet Halle University, Germany
bullet Virtual University of Mathematical Sciences -- from Heidelberg, Germany
bullet Keil University, Germany
bullet Marburg University, Germany
bullet Paderborn University, Germany
bullet Wuppertal University, Germany
bullet Technical University, Chemnitz-Zwickau, Germany - Faculty of Mathematics.
bullet Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland - School of Mathematics.
bullet University of Haifa, Israel - Department of Mathematics.
bullet Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel - Faculty of Mathematical Sciences.
bullet Center for Mathematics and Computer Sciences , Netherlands - FTP Server
bullet Technical University of Delft, Netherlands Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics.
bullet Massey University, New Zealand - Mathematics Department.
bullet University of Benin, Nigeria -- Mathematics Department
bullet University of Oslo, Norway
bullet Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Department of Mathematical Sciences
bullet Warsaw University, Poland - Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
bullet Polish Academy of Sciences - Institute of Mathematics.
bullet Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. - Department of Mathematics.
bullet University of Strathclyde, Scotland,U.K. - Department of Mathematics
bullet Universidad de Malaga, Spain - Departamento de Matematica Aplicada
bullet Lulea University, Sweden - Department of Mathematics
bullet Stockholm University, Sweden
bullet ETH Zurich, Switzerland - Mathematics Department
bullet Cardiff College, Unversity of Wales, Wales, U.K.
bullet Numerical Algorithms Group Limited, U.K.

Go back to Contents .

Pure Mathematics, History of Mathematics and Biographies

bullet Pure Mathematics Page at FSU.
bullet Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge, England
bullet Gallery of on-line Interactive Geometry, University of Minnesota
bullet The Geometry Center, University of Minnesota
bullet Center for Geometry Analysis Numerics and Graphics (GANG), U Mass
bullet Contributions to Algebra and Geometry - fron FIZ Karlsruhe, Germany.
bullet The MATLAB Gallery
bullet Rutgers University - DIMACS - Discrete Math and Theory Center.
bullet History of Mathematics Page - from Clark University, Massachussets.
bullet Biographies of Women in Mathematics.
bullet Mathematicians of the African Diaspora
bullet History of Mathematics Web Site at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland
bullet Centre for Nonlinear Analysis and Its Applications, University of Craiova, Romania

Go back to Contents .

Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics

bullet Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, England
bullet University of Arizona - Program in Applied Mathematics.
bullet Consortium for O.D.E. experiments.
bullet Mathematics Experiences Through Image Processing (METIP) - at Computer Science, Washington University.
bullet Centre for Experimental & Constructive Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
bullet FAQ's in Linear Programming
bullet FAQ's in Nonlinear Programming
bullet The Visual Mathematics Institute at UCSC
bullet The REDUCE Computer Algebra system, Koeln University, Germany
bullet Metacenter Computational Highlights from NSF-funded supercomputer centers -- Computer simulations of important phenomena (Thanks to Neil Stahl for the information):
bullet Cornell Theory Center
bullet National Center for Atmospheric Reseach
bullet National Center for Supercomputing Applications
bullet Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
bullet San Diego Supercomputing Center
bullet Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive (mp_arc)
bullet Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal
bullet Signal Processing
bullet Complex Systems, Australian National University, Australia
bullet Artificial Life, Santa Fe
bullet Neural Nets information, Netherlands
bullet Application-oriented Algorithmic Mathematics,from ELIB, Germany.
bullet Numerical Analysis Page at FSU.
bullet WWW server for Multigrid Algorithms, Germany
bullet Center for Statistical and Mathematical Computing, Indiana University.
bullet Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Journal
bullet Applied Mathematics at Wright State University
bullet Maple: Math and Engineering Software Applications
bullet SymbolicNet.org -- for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
bullet Institute for Computational Mathematics
bullet Internet Accessible Mathematical Computation
bullet The fine-structure constant web page
bullet Numerical Analysis and Numerical Methods Project -- Professor Mathews at Fullerton

Go back to Contents .

Math Teaching, Math Education and Math Student Servers

In addtion to the following, you will find material for teaching and education under the Mathematics Software, Books and Publications section of this page.

bullet Explorer, U Kansas
bullet Mathematics, Science and Technology Education - from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
bullet Mathematics Education at Nottingham University, UK.
bullet SIAM Undergraduate Math Server.
bullet Furman Electronic Journal for Undergraduate Mathematics.
bullet Mathematics Education Center at Oklahoma State University.
bullet Math Archives WWW Server at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
bullet Calculus Problems from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Mathematics Department.
bullet Links to WWW pages dealing with WRITING IN MATH COURSES -
bullet Project NEXT Homepage.
bullet Annalisa Crannell's Page.
bullet Birmingham Schools Maths Site - from the Birmingham City Council Education Department, UK.
bullet TERC - Mathematics and Science Education
bullet Xmorphia, Caltech
bullet Transitional Mathematics Project - Self-study material for freshmen at Imperial College, England.
bullet Mega-Math project from the Los Alamos National Lab.
bullet Distance Education Courses in Mathematics - from Colorado State University. e.g., see M505 graduate level course in problem solving for K-12.
bullet Math Resources from ACT Laboratory. You must register (free) to enter the Math Den in that server or use "guest" for login and password.
bullet Computer Resources in Teaching Mathematics - from CTI Mathematics Centre, Birmingham, UK.
bullet EXTEND - an Internet forum on mathematics education - intended to involve new constituencies, to engage new voices, and to examine new perspectives.
bullet Exercises in Math Readiness for University Study - from the University of Saskatchewan Department of Mathematics.
bullet Finite Math and Applied Calculus - from Hofstra University - true / false question and answers from a textbook.
bullet SMILE Mathematics Project - from UK.
bullet Math Forum - A Virtual Center for Math Education from Swarthmore.
bullet ActiveMath - Workshops and Seminars for Grades 3-12 Math Teachers.
bullet Mid-Atlantic Eisenhower Consortium for Mathematics & Science Education.
bullet MathsNet - from England.
bullet Mathematics Projects for K-12 Students and Teachers - by Andrea Levy.
bullet Issues in Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers .
bullet Western Illinois University -- Mathematics Education Resource Office -- Homepage.
bullet Algebra for Everyone Homepage - from Carnegie Mellon University, PACT Center
bullet The Association of Teachers of Mathematics, England
bullet Technology for the Math Classroom - from Elizabeth Fox at U Texas at San Antonio
bullet CTI Mathematics -- Computers in Teaching Initiative - Mathematics from Birmingham, U.K.
bullet Mathematics Exploration I -- a series of math class projects based on NASA space activities.
bullet OTRNet -- Online Teachers Resource Network -- from Australia.
bullet HOT Math! -- a resource website for math teachers.
bullet Capital Area Math/Science Alliance and Institute
bullet LTSN Maths, Stats & Or Network
bullet Teaching Mathematical Mental Representations -- from Jacques Nimier
bullet Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing, University of Waterloo, Canada
bullet Convergence --online magazine on the history of mathematics and its use in teaching

Go back to Contents .

Statistics, Probability and Related Fields

bullet Statistics Page at FSU .
bullet chance - Probability/Statistics course information at University of Minnesota.
bullet Statistics Server, Carnegie Mello University, USA
bullet STATLETS Java applets for statistical data analysis and graphics
bullet Sensitivity Analysis - index page for Dr. Hossein Arsham's web materials.
bullet AssiStat -- a stat package  specially for psychologists and educational researchers.
bullet Journal of Official Statistics -- published by Statistics Sweden
bullet Mathematical Finance at Boston University
bullet Probability Guide -- from Infarom

Go back to Contents .

Mathematics References, Utilities and FAQ's

bullet Wolfram Mathworld -- Treasure Trove of Mathematics - valuable source of information.
bullet Math-on-Web - an interactive math utilities package.
bullet Christer's pages of logic,math and reasoning .
bullet Mathematics Geneology
bullet Dave's Math Tables
bullet Jeffery Winkler's Reference Page --  Notes for Physics and Mathematical Physics.
bullet EquationSheet - a searchable database of equations, constants, symbols & units.
bullet Favorite mathematical constants
bullet Thothworks -- collection of useful mathematical utilities.
bullet Triceron - Mathematics
bullet The Wolfram Functions Site -- collection of formulas and graphics for math functions
bullet Eqworld - The world of mathematical equations of all types.
bullet Big Primes -- archives of primes and other interesting numbers
bullet International Slide Rule Museum -- Information plus loaners
bullet EquPlus -- Math and Science Equations

Go back to Contents .

Mathematics Discussion Groups

bullet sci.math.num-analysis
bullet comp.soft-sys.matlab
bullet sci.math.research
bullet sci.math.symbolic

Go back to Contents .

Mathematics Newsletters and Announcements

bullet ETNA (Electronic Transactions in Numerical Analysis) .
bullet Hypertext index of conferences on mathematical topics , from CSC, Finland.
bullet a broader gopher list of conferences .
bullet CIRM (Internationa Center for Mathematical Meetings)

Go back to Contents .

Mathematics Newsgroups

bullet sci.math
bullet sci.math.num-analysis
bullet sci.math.research
bullet sci.nonlinear
bullet algebra, geometry, beginning calculus, etc

Go back to Contents .

Mathematics Software, Programs, Graphers and Calculators

bullet Math Software Page from UT-K Math Archives.
bullet Mathware and Derive.
bullet Wolfram Research - Mathematica and related materials.
bullet Macsyma - mathematical software.
bullet Maple -- Math and Engineering Software
bullet National Software Exchange
bullet Elib services, Germany - Mathematical Software Libraries.
bullet Netlib from Elib, Germany, through ftp.
bullet Netlib through Gopher
bullet CodeLib from Elib, Germany.
bullet RedLib at Elib, Germany.
bullet NIST's Guide to Available Mathematics Software
bullet Elib, Germany.
bullet Books, Software and Math Contests for Schools - from Mathleague.
bullet CLICAL - a calculator type computer program for vectors, complex numbers, etc.
bullet NonEuclid - Software Simulation offering Straightedge and Compass Constructions in Hyperbolic Geometry
bullet UCALC - a multipurpose math program
bullet Mathtype - for mathematical wordprocessors
bullet MathWrite (formerly Equation Editor 2) - desktop utility for editing mathematical expressions and equations from Gordon Whittam / MGC
bullet "Algebrator" from Softmath - a Computer Algebra system specifically designed for teaching pre-college algebra.
bullet Mathtools -- free Matlab toolboxes, MIDEVA (fast Matlab replacement), MATCOM (compiler for Matlab), etc.
bullet Mathwise -- UK Mathematics Courseware Consortium
bullet Kipp3D --  2D contour/topographic and 3D surface plot software
bullet DMath -- A decision and discrete maths program
bullet Graph Explorer -- a JAVA graphing applet
bullet Advanced Grapher - a graphing, curve fitting and calculating software for Windows.
bullet Mathematics and Statistics software from Alan Miller (two sites): Ozemail site ;   Bigpond site
bullet O-Matrix -- A matlab-compatible interactive analysis and visualization environment.
bullet Romanlab Software -- 3D Grapher and handy calculator
bullet Sicyon -- Expression Calculator
bullet MAL( Motion Analysis Language) -- software system for mathematical, statistical and graphical data
bullet Calculator.org -- offers calculator related resources.
bullet Graphis -- 2D and 3D graphing software package
bullet Amath - K-4, Pre-algebra and Algebra software
bullet USPExpress -- a math parser
bullet Mathematical Software for Schools
bullet Mathgrapher - 2D and 3D graphing software, nonlinear curve fitting and integration of coupled ODE's.
bullet FunWithFigures - Mental arithmetic software
bullet Graphe Easy -- a 2D plotter
bullet ScienceGL -- software for 3D/4D visualization
bullet Binary Things -- Scientific calculation & math graphing software
bullet Bagatrix -- mathematical software for algebra, pre-algebra, basic math, etc.
bullet EMTeachline -- math software for elementary, middle and high school.
bullet Sciletter -- Scientific Letter - a mail program to create equations, etc in letters
bullet Formulator- a mathematical equation editor
bullet Tripence Software -- BlitzCalc software package for Windows
bullet DigitalCalculus -- calculus based software for ODE, Curve fit, etc.
bullet Mate - online symbolic calculator -- by Tusanga
bullet Octave online tool - perform calculations online.
bullet StatPlus -- A statistical software package
bullet WebGraphing.com -- online graphing, solving ofunctions, equations, systems, inequalities,etc.
bullet UltimaCalc -- algebraic graphing calculator
bullet Modern Taylor Method Solver -- for numerical solution of ODE's
bullet calc5 -- an online function calculator and grapher
bullet Equation Wizard -- Automatic algebraic equation solver
bullet ExcelCalcs -- software for use with MS Excel
bullet MathEasy Applets -- applets for online graphing
bullet Flash-graphic Calculator

Go back to Contents .

Mathematics Books and Publications

bullet Source for Mathematical Literature on the Web, EINet Galaxy
bullet MathPro Press - math problems, etc.
bullet Books, Software and Math Contests for Schools - from Mathleague.
bullet New Mathwright Library -- a FREE collection of interactive, electronic mathematics and science "books"
bullet COMPLEX ANALYSIS: Mathematica 4.0 Notebooks by  John H. Mathews, and  Russell W. Howell
bullet OTRNet Publications -- math texts for students
bullet Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra by Edwin H. Connell -- an online textbook
bullet The Fifth Arithmetical Operation, Number Revolution by Domingo Gomez Morin
bullet Basic Concepts of Mathematics -- (for Mathematical Analysis) by Elias Zakon
bullet Mathematics Books from the Trillia Group
bullet FreeScience Info -- information on mathematics and science books

NOTE: You may search selected libraries or visit web sites of book publishers by linking to our library search / book publishers page .

Go back to Contents .


Mathematics Journals and Preprints

bullet University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Mathematics Department K-theory preprints.
bullet Institute for Mathematical Sciences Preprint Server
bullet Electronic Journal of Combinatorics from Georgia Tech.
bullet International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis from Vermont.
bullet Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics (JIPAM)
bullet International Journal of Nonlinear Modeling in Science and Engineering
bullet Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering

Go back to Contents .

Mathematical Art, Graphics,VRML and Cryptography

bullet Fractal Art Gallery at CNAM, France
bullet Fractal Movie Archive at CNAM, France.
bullet CIRM library, France
bullet Cryptography archive.
bullet ArtByMath.Com - Graphics
bullet Artlandia - a Mathematica-based software for creating mathematical and algorithmic art.
bullet Art and Mathematics -- Fractals, Orbits, the Mandelbrot Set, etc., with interactive Java Applets.
bullet Dream-Catcher Mandalas -- Mathematical Art by Louis A. Talman
bullet Mathematics Animated -- by Louis A. Talman
bullet Artpromote -a directory of mathematical art, graphics, etc.

Go back to Contents .

College and Pre-College Mathematics -- Activities, Help and Software

bullet The Event Inventor - Activities and explorations for schools. You could also check out Ptolemy's Ptools .
bullet Internet Resources for the Mathematics Student -- A guide to web-based learning resources for college level math students.
bullet Mathman - Don's math materials
bullet TransMATH - A Computer-Based Mathematics Tutor
bullet Math Help - from Ellen Freedman.
bullet Math.com -- an online math resources web site for students, teachers and the family
bullet Mathe-Ass - Mathematical Assistant software package for solution of mathematical problems
bullet Virtual Image - publisher of mathematics educational software
bullet MathPro Press - math problems, etc.
bullet Appetizers and Lessons for Mathematics and Reason
bullet Maths Year 2000 -- A mathematics web site with a lot of interesting materials for all ages.
bullet Elementary Arithmetic Worksheets -- for very basic arithmetic operations
bullet Mathematics Software and Teacher Tools -- from William K. Bradford Publishing Co
bullet SliderMath Equations -- introduces and reviews linear equations
bullet Mathfactsnow -- software package for math drills for children
bullet ColorMathPink -- Internet site designed to help girls excel at math
bullet Mathreports - Papers and reports in mathematics
bullet QuickMath -- an automated service for answering common math problems over the internet
bullet Step-by-step derivatives and integrals
bullet Exambot -- practice exams in math for college and university
bullet Excellamathics -- A CD with interactive worksheets for 11-18 year olds.
bullet Notes on Mathematical Induction -- from Jose Espinosa
bullet CBA -- Calculator Based Algebra -- Programs for a calculator based Algebra 1 course
bullet Mathaid -- interactive online courses in algebra, trigonometry and precalculus
bullet The Han-5 Mathematics System -- for children to learn their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
bullet Step-by-step Derviatives and Integrals - from calc101
bullet Virtu-Software -- Problem of the Week, articles, etc.
bullet Universal Math Solver -- solves math problems
bullet Jill Britton's Page -- with links to pages on patterns, designs, tessellations, etc.
bullet Intelligent Tutor Math Educational Software -- Software for Learning Grades 7-12 Math
bullet Numm?lt - Math manipulatives & construction toys
bullet MathCats - tools for family exploration of mathematics
bullet MathFoundation - pre-algebra tutorial
bullet 10ticks - Mathematics worksheets for teachers
bullet Homeschool Math - resources for home school math teaching
bullet Fingerithmatic -- basic mathematics for children
bullet Xploremath -- experiment and explore mathematics
bullet Visualfractions -- modeling and working with fractions
bullet Math Help UK -- help in math for high school students
bullet Math Made Easy -- a commercial site for math help
bullet Mathguide -- math activites, puzzles, information, etc.
bullet Free homework help
bullet Totalmath -- offers tutoring in math
bullet The Maths Internet Guide -- a guide to interactive math websites
bullet Math and Reading Help for Children -- a children's education site
bullet Algebra-net -- offers algebra software
bullet Algebra Help - Algebra help resource
bullet Blacks Academy -- Educational Database including mathematics
bullet Mathsisfun -- activities for K - 12 math.
bullet Art of Problem Solving -- resources for math students
bullet Mathematics Magazine -- for Grades 1 - 12
bullet Online Math League -- for K-12 children
bullet Math Help Forum -- for K-12 and College levels
bullet Mathabacus -- using abacus to learn mathematics
bullet Math Animated -- math/calculus for 1st year college/university students
bullet Algebra-tutoring -- algebra problem solving software
bullet www.math10.com -- online math education for high school and college students
bullet www.visualmathlearning.com -- free online tutorial for pre-algebra students with games, puzzles, manipulatives
bullet Wired Math -- for Grades 7, 8 and 9 -- from the University of Waterloo, Canada
bullet Kodawari House -- Mathematics information and activities for children's math to calculus
bullet Math10 - Online Math Education
bullet Vancouver Math Tutor -- math materials for students and tutors
bullet K12 Math Problem of the Day
bullet Math Made Simple -- a commercial math help site
bullet Internet libraries, Mathematics, Statistics, and Excel for students, teachers, and professionals
bullet Hotmath.com -- online math homework help
bullet Icedor -- online mathematics courses
bullet Animal Math Bingo -- arithmetic game for kids
bullet Global Institute of Mathematics -- an online school
bullet Equmath -- math lessons from algebra through differential equations
bullet Davitily Math Problem Generator -- web-based math problem generator
bullet Mathlessons.com -- lists of math tutoring/help available sorted by city, state, country
bullet EducateSA (South Africa) -- Tutoring in South Africa
bullet EasyWorksheet.com -- worksheets, activities, etc for math students
bullet Math Bits -- Mathematics lessons and activities
bullet Network Tutors -- online tutoring service
bullet TutorQuick -- online math tutoring
bullet mr barton maths -- free website for secondary school teachers, parents and pupils
bullet Yenka -- educational resources in mathematics

Go back to Contents .

Miscellaneous Web Pages related to Mathematics

bullet Waubonsee's list of shortcuts to web pages of physics, engineering, and mathematics departments
bullet A keyword search of Mathematical Topics, from CSC, Finland.
bullet Mathematical Quotation Server - from Furman University.
bullet Formulas for Pi.
bullet Mathematics Jokes
bullet Science Television
bullet Complex systems, Australian National University, Australia.
bullet WWW information by subjects from CERN, Switzerland.
bullet The Mathematics Subject Tree from FSU. .
bullet A list of servers at Penn State math department
bullet WWW pages of Sampo project at CAM laboratory, Finland.
bullet National Academy of Science.
bullet NRICH - online maths club A web-based mathematics club from the University of Cambridge, England
bullet Plus Maths - an internet magazine for mathematics
bullet InstaGraphs -- adhesive grids for graphs
bullet A Page to broaden Calculus concepts by expressing Spinoza's Insights in a Calculus format.
bullet Vacuous truth web page
bullet Thoughts on the Axion of Choice -- Paul Conant
bullet Rolf Wasens' Home Page --contains some mathematics applications
bullet cmathematique -- in French -- hosts various activities and information in mathematics
bullet Puzzles with Polyhedra and Numbers
bullet Isotiles -- geometrical figures involving two isosceles triangles
bullet Nick's Mathematical Puzzles
bullet blogic -- an interactive textbook in logic
bullet Geometry from the Land of the Incas
bullet Polyhedra Models
bullet ConvertPlus -- online conversion of quantities to different units
bullet Mathematical Fiction
bullet Number Gossip -- enter a number and learn cool things about it
bullet San Antonio Virtual and Interactive Geometry
bullet Earth and Universe -- a portal to information on the earth and universe

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Directories of Mathematics Resources

bullet Yahoo Mathematics Directory - for mathematics related web resources
bullet Math resources - directory of Math related websites.

Go back to Contents .

© 1994-2008
M. Maheswaran, Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin Marathon County.
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Last updated February 20, 2008



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