Θεόδουλος Λιοντάκης

Δάσκαλος Πληροφορικής ΠΕ86


Εμφανίσεις Άρθρων


I  finished porting the famous Palo Alto Tiny Basic to my CPU's assembly/System.

In the process I added some CPU instructions and corrected a few bugs.

Lion is now a home computer with a basic, a tiny one!

I aslo added sound, just 3 channels, variable frequency, duration

Tiny Basic screen


I added some instructions to the standard language:


operator % computes the division remainder

POS Y,X sets the printing position, X=0..63 Y=0..30

WAITK waits for a key press and returns the ascii code

RND(n)   returns random number 1..n

PLOT X, Y, [mode]   plots a point, mode 1 = set, mode 0 = clear, mode 2 = not

LINE X1,Y1,X2,Y2  plots a line from X1,Y1 to X2,Y2

CIRCLE X1,Y1,R    plots a circle of radius R at X,Y

BEEP frequency,time,channel   time=0..7   channel=0..2

CLS clear screen

SLIST  lists to serial port



MODE 0 commands


 Color Y,X,Color_Code and affects the color of character at Y,X

Screen color_code  Change screen color to color_code

MODE 1 commands

Fcolor 0..15  sets foreground color

Bcolor 0..15 sets background color



 Tiny Basic plot