Tiny Basic for Lion is compatible with Palo Alto Tiny Basic but has a lot of new commands and fixed point arithmetic operation support added.
Original Palo Alto Language pdf
Fixed point arithmetic allows decimals but because in Lion TB it uses only 32bits it has small precision (3 digits).
LTB also has the following math functions: COS, SIN, INT, ROUND, SQRT, PI ex. Y=COS(X) x from -pi to pi
Lion TB has doubled the possible variables because it distinguishes between small and capital letters so a..z and A..Z variables are available. Commands are recognised in both small and capitals.
Loading and saving
Lion TB supports FAT16 file system. It knows 3 kinds of files .BAS .BIN and .SCR
Loads a basic file using LOAD command ex. LOAD "TEST2" the extension .BAS is omitted
Saves a basic file using SAVE, ex. SAVE "TEST2" again the extension .BAS is omitted
With DIR command it displays the current directory
CD command changes directory examples CD "VECTOR" CD ..
Delete a file using DELETE command, example DELETE "TEST2.BAS" extension must be included
Load a binary file using the LCODE filename,address command, example: LCODE "MANDEL",20000 loads file MANDEL.BIN starting at address 20000 Then you can execute the code you loaded at the address 20000 using command RCODE 20000
A special variable named BTOP contains the first available address after the space currently used by basic, so a usual way to execute relocateable binary code (as produced by Lion java compiler) and then return to basic would be LCODE "PROG1",BTOP and then RCODE BTOP
A binary file can be loaded from the serial port using the command GCODE address,length
Screen and graphics
CLS command clears the screen
CLSP command disables all sprites and hides them from the screen
POS Y,X sets the printing position, X=0..79 Y=0..29 for mode 0 and X=0..52 Y=0..24 for mode 1
MODE commands selects 0 or 1 graphics modes
Mode 0, text optimized, resolution 640x240, 80x30 chars, 16 colors restricted to 2 per char
Mode 1, graphics optimized, resolution 320x200, 53x25 chars, 16 colors no restriction
In mode 0 command SCREEN N sets both foreground and background color with the formula N=16*foreground + background, background and foreground are numbers 0..15 that correspond to colors 0 to 15
Also in mode 0 the command COLOR X,Y,N sets the color of individual caracter at X,Y to N
In mode 1 color is changed with 2 commands BCOLOR and FCOLOR
BCOLOR N where N=0 to 15, sets background color and FCOLOR N where N=0 to 15, sets foreground color
In both modes graphics are drawn using the commands PMODE, PLOT, LINE, CIRCLE
PMODE n where n=0 or 1 sets the way the other graphic commands draw, when 0 they use foreground color, when 1 they use the background
PLOT X,Y plots a point at X,Y
LINE X1,Y1,X2,Y2 draws a line from x1,y1 to x2,y2
CIRCLE X1,Y1,R draws a circle with center x1,y1 and radius R
Lion has 3 sound channels + noise
BEEP F,T,C makes a sound of frequency F, duration T= 0 to 7, Channel C=0..2
To add noise OUT 11,1 to remove noise OUT 11,0
To change volume OUT 25+C,V where C=0..3 and V=0..255
Sprite TB commands are also to be implemented and currently sprites can be controlled with the OUT OUTB and INP INPB commands
Function WAITK waits for a keypress and returns the ascii code of the key pressed
Function KEY returns the ascii code of a pressed key but doesn't wait for a key press
Functions JOY1 and JOY2 return the joystick status (binary: 0 0 0 Right Left Up Down Button)
10 J=JOY1
Function TIMER returns a value in milliseconds that resets every 65536ms
Command SLIST lists basic program to serial port
program example:
5 MODE 1
300 E=-1.3
310 FOR Y=0 TO 199
320 D=-2.4
330 FOR X=0 TO 299
340 Z=0; I=0; A=1
360 S=(Z*Z)-(I*I)+D
370 R=(2*I*Z)+E
380 Z=S
390 I=R
400 A=A+1
405 L=Z*Z+I*I
410 IF ((A<16)*(L<4)) GOTO 360
510 PLOT X,Y
520 D=D+0.0215
530 NEXT X
540 E=E+0.013
550 NEXT Y
560 FCOLOR 15
program output: