

MagazineFactory facilitates genuine international collaboration with another foreign school. The first version of the web tool called Tidningsfabriken was launched in November 2002. The first magazine ever made was called BOKIT. It was produced by an enthusiastic and excited group of students representing the Swedish speaking minority in Finland.
MagazineFactory is a popular and versatile concept for developing web magazines for various purposes and contexts. The web magazine may be a single project, or a magazine which is edited continuously throughout the school year. MagazineFactory is a free, easy and enjoyable publishing tool, supported by the Finnish National Board of Education, which provides the teachers and the pupils an opportunity to work as editorial staff in the class and to publish a web magazine of their own. The teacher is the editor-in-chief, while the pupils are journalists.
Multilingual version facilitates international cooperation. The schools participating in the European eTwinning school partnership programme have an opportunity to use the multilingual MagazineFactory web tool together with their European partner schools.
Useful links

Examples of an eTwinning projects