tools for collaborative activities

Primary Pad 

Primary Pad gives you a free six month trial period to use. That’s enough time for an eTwinning project, don’t you think? It is a web-based word processor designed for schools that allows students and teachers to work together in real-time. Children from partner schools can arrange a common hour and they can work together on a topic. They can create articles for an online newspaper as they will have the chance to edit each other’s articles, they can play vocabulary games e.g. one gives a word and the others try to add synonyms, they can take interviews from each other or they can watch a common video and share their opinion there with their partners etc.

Net Support School

It is a real “tool” for the teacher, because through it you can:
-    show in real time, to your students the actions needed to perform a task
-    monitor the students’  screens and check their progress
-    help a  student to perform a task, controlling the movements of his/her mouse
-    communicate with students by instant messaging
-    use the painting board commonly with the whole class
-    create computer-based tests,  distribute it to the students’ computers and get immediate results of responses

These are briefly the most important functions of Net Support School. It is certainly a very useful and easy to use tool, but unfortunately it is not free and is quite expensive (it costs about 350 €).

Pedagogical value in eTwinning

Students see on the screen the actions needed to perform a task, so they can reach more quickly the desired result. So far we can consider it as one of the most useful tools for learning with the ICT use, not to mention its additional functions that help teachers to interact with their students and evaluate their progress

Summarizing, we could It mainly facilitates the teacher during his/her lesson but also is regarded as an additional stimulus for learning

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