15o Γυμνάσιο Περιστερίου


Οι μαθητές μου, του Γ3/Γ4 προχωρημένοι [2013-2014],

Αθανασία Νικολοπούλου & Δημήτρης Παπακωνσταντίνου

δημιούργησαν κατάλογο περιφραστικών ρημάτων

από κείμενα του σχολικού εγχειριδίου


που σημειώνουμε εδώ και καιρό στα τετράδια,

προσθέτοντας παραδείγματα χρήσης από τα

διαδικτυακά λεξικά





1. look up to someone:

to admire and respect someone

He's a role model for other players to look up to.

2. be onto something:

to have information that will helpyou make an important discovery

I think you could be onto something here.

3.  go off someone/something:

to stop liking someone or something

I went off the idea of buying a sports car after I found out how much it would cost.

4. come across someone/something:

to meet someone or to find something by chance

I came across a word I'd never seen before.

5. get hold of something:

to get something that you need or want

I've managed to get hold of some rather good wine.

6. be/go on about:

to keep talking about someone or something, especially when other people think it is boring

She's always on about her children.

7. take to someone/something:

to begin to like someone or something

I took to John immediately.

8. look down on someone/something:

to think that you are better or more importantthan someone else, or to think that something is not good enough for you

She looks down on anyone who hasn't had a university education.

9. Take over: to begin to do something that someone else was doing

Can you take over the cooking while I walk the dog?

10. let someone in on something: to tell someone a secret

If you promise not to tell, I'll let you in on a secret.


11. turn into = μετατρέπω
Our holiday turned into a nightmare.
12. set up = στήνω, οργανώνω
I?ll set up a meeting for Thursday.
13. turn up = ανεβάζω την ένταση του ήχου
Can you turn the volume up a bit?
14. turn down = μειώνω την ένταση του ήχου
Can you turn the music down a bit?
15. laze around= χαζεύω, τεμπελιάζω
Your children shouldn?t be lazing  around indoors on such a nice day.
16. head down (to) = κατευθύνομαι προς
I hopped in the car and headed down the street

17. crash into = τρακάρω
His car crashed into a tree.
18. build up = αυξάνω
Stevens played a key role in bulding up the company.
19. be fond of= μου αρέσει
She's fond of asking silly questions.

20. hang out = χαζεύω,συχνάζω
Two students were hanging out  of the second floor window.
21. hear from = μαθαίνω νέα από
It is ages since I heard from Jill.


Το "fond of" δεν είναι περιφραστικό ρήμα, αλλά επίθετο που συντάσσεται με την πρόθεση of.