Hello everyone,

The Edubuntu team is very pleased to announce the release of Edubuntu
12.04.2 LTS (Long-Term Support). This is the second of four updates to
Edubuntu 12.04 LTS as part of the 5 years support cycle.

This release includes all the stable release updates and security fixes
that have been published since release.

It's also the first to ship with the backported kernel and X stack. This
should be mostly relevant to users of very recent hardware. Current
users of Edubuntu 12.04 won't be automatically updated to this
backported stack, you can however manually install the packages if you
want them.

More information can be found on our website:

Installation instructions can be found here:

And the DVD images can be found at:

As usual, you may test Edubuntu without needing to download the DVD
image by using our WebLive service:

We always love to hear about new Edubuntu deployments, so please take a
minute to add your own to our list: http://www.edubuntu.org/deployments

The Edubuntu team would also like to remind its users that Edubuntu
10.04 wasn't a long-term-support release even though Ubuntu itself was.
On Edubuntu 10.04 systems, you will nevertheless get a prompt to upgrade
to Edubuntu 12.04.2 LTS. This upgrade path isn't officially supported,
although basic testing didn't show any major bug.

Enjoy Edubuntu 12.04.2 LTS!

St?phane Graber
On behalf of the Edubuntu release team