It's one week today until the European elections and Open Rights Group is joining digital rights groups from across the continent for the European Day of Action.

We want to send a message that voters want MEPs who will protect digital rights.

Big digital rights issues like retaining our privacy online, controlling our personal data, owning the media we buy, and having a free and open Internet are often most fiercely debated in the European Parliament.

In the WePromise campaign, citizens from across Europe promise to try to vote for pro-digital rights candidates. We'll know which candidates support our digital rights because they'll have signed our comprehensive 10 point Charter of Digital Rights covering issues like surveillance, open source software and copyright reform.

People are taking part in WePromise all over Europe today. Here's how you can join in!

  1. Sign the WePromise petition and email your MEP candidates to say you'll support digital rights next Thursday.

  2. Come to our London MEP Digital Debate tonight with Claude Moraes MEP (Labour), Sarah Ludford MEP (Liberal Democrat), Danny Bates (Green) and Paul Oakley (UKIP). Let us know you're coming on the Meetup page:

    Tweet your questions for the candidates and your reactions to @OpenRightsGroup using the hashtags #EUDigitalDebate and#WePromiseEU

  3. If you can't make it, you can stream tonight's debate. Watch it live here!

  4. You could take a WePromise selfie saying why you support digital rights. Let us know you've sent it in and we will retweet it.

  5. Or make your own WePromise video statement saying why you support digital rights which we'll put on the WePromise channel.

Let's make sure that our European candidates know we want them to stand up for digital rights in the European Parliament.


Ed Paton-Williams
Open Rights Group

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