

The game of chess is over 1300 years old and is one of the most popular games in the world. It has received more total thought time than many great works of art and literature. Like a great work of art, chess is a paradox on many levels. It's easy to learn but can take a lifetime to master. There are few games which can match its usefulness as a tool for developing mental abilities, yet it's downright fun. has provided these online instructions to assist beginners and help promote the outstanding game of chess.

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Building a Harmonious Mind

Building a Harmonious Mind

Through Chess Playing


Practicing chess helps building a harmonious mind and therefore it is of great importance in the process of learning either at school or outside it, because it supports the building of one?s personality through the use of reasonable and strategic thinking,

People who practice chess are ordered, rational, thoughtful, considerate, perseverant, and this is why, they talk little and only when they should, and do only what they should when it must be done.

Practicing chess stimulates competition and this gives to a chess player the motivation to win, that is, to be the best of the others and also to be the best of what one can be. A chess player is always better today than yesterday and plans to be better tomorrow than today. He/ She always surpass himself/ herself while he/ she permanently develops himself/ herself through playing chess.

People who usually play chess also enjoy themselves while exercising their mind and practicing their abilities of reasoning, strategy and planning. Their mind permanently develops while experiment new and new chess movements.

In this intellectual process, chessmen build their strong unfailing spirit of leadership, when they accumulate great logics, determination, perseverance and continuity in organizing their mind and thoughtfulness.

The chessmen?s mathematical-logical-rational thinking can be used in other areas of life.

At school, children and youngsters who play chess have good results in learning at mathematics, physics, chemistry, informatics, technology, logic or philosophy. These students learn better and easier than the one who do not practice this sport.

Outside school, the practicability of the mathematical-logical-rational reasoning is applied in engineering, in designing any kind of machinery, in medicine, in any kind of cure- especially, in surgery- in psychology and anthropology, and so on.

In conclusion, practicing chess teaches any chess player how to build a harmonious mind and learn in the best personal way. It makes everybody to be well-organized, to plan efficiently and to run any kind of activity, that is, to be a ruler and why not a leader.



By Popescu Monica Denisa Elena