Θεόδουλος Λιοντάκης

Δάσκαλος Πληροφορικής ΠΕ86


Εμφανίσεις Άρθρων

I finally housed the system in a plastic box with an 4.3 inch 384x272 pixel LCD screen. 

Changed display to 248x384 pixels, 31x64 characters increasing video ram to 12Kb.

Here is the screen showing a StarTrek game in tiny basic.

LCD Display

It has:

  • VGA output port
  • USB serial port
  • Mono audio port
  • PS2 keyboard port
  • Video input that can be used to display an external video source to the LCD screen
  • JTAG Programming cable


Inside one finds:

  • FPGA board
  • Power supply
  • 32K 16bit static ram board
  • PS2 keyboard to serial board
  • SD card board
  • LCD controller board
  • mini speaker