audio - movie maker tools


Voicethread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents and videos and allows people to navigate and leave comments in 5 ways- using voice, text, audio file or video. You can share a VoiceThread with your partners for them to record comments too. With Voicethread group conversations/presentations are collected and shared in one place from anywhere in the world. All with no software to install and with the choice to embed it and receive comments on other websites and export it as well to MP3 players or DVD’s to play as archival movies.
In eTwinning, Voicethread can be used in different ways e.g. partners can narrate their common story in their language, upload photos and comment on them etc.

Useful links:
You can see an example here:


Dvolver is a nice, free and easy application that helps you create your own movies within seconds! You just have to follow some simple tools and your movie is ready to share it with your friends or embed it to your website or blog. Why don’t you ask your partners to create a movie that have different parts? You can start with the part 1 of your movie, upload it to your common website and ask from your partners to direct the part 2. You can continue in that way until your movie is completed!!!

Useful links:

Here is an example:

The Gong Project

The Gong Project is a free system for voice communication on the Web. It allows group of students and teachers to participate in discussion groups using their computers using synchronous and asynchronous chat. Children can leave text and voice messages on voice boards or answer to messages that their partners have left. The eTwinning partners can also arrange a real time text/voice chat that can be recorded on voice boards.

In addition, there are some powerful features such as personal messaging, support for multiple languages, styled text editing, voice editing, voice speed up/slow down etc.

You can use Gong in Moodle!!By using Gong with Moodle your courses can have a voice board system where participants can leave text and voice messages on course voice boards. They can listen to and reply to text and voice messages left by other people as e playback and support for multilingual interface.
Useful links