drawing tools


Sketchfu: Project work in the early years often involves children expressing themselves through pictures and drawings rather than through prose. Students may be asked to collaborate together on a particular drawing, and send it to their eTwinning partners, so that they (their partners) may also be able to work on it. In such cases, conventional paint packages such as TuxPaint and KidPix may not be altogether adequate. Enter Sketchfu, the online collaborative sketch/doodle maker, which makes collaboration not only possible but user friendly and fun, even for the youngest of learners. You can remix their creation or create your own. Commenting is absolutely welcome as are constructive criticisms and votes. Sketchfu’s toolset is really easy to use and allows you to create astonishing masterpieces! All drawings are animated and you can post them on your common blog! An amazing feature of Sketchfu, which the children like immensely, is the ability to replay their drawing after they are done - as if one is watching a movie of the drawing being made. There’s no cost so you can draw your heart out!
Useful links


Imagination Cubed

Imagination Cubed: is a tool where you can invite over your eTwinning friends and scribble over to explain or show something to them. The striking feature of this service is even your friends can interact with you in the dashboard. It’s really simple to use it for a common drawing activity in an eTwinning project. You can invite your friends very easily using the invite button. Once you invite them, wait till they accept the invite. Once the other party accepts the invite, you can see two pens on the screen. When collaborating on a doodle, the Chat option will automatically activate, enabling users to chat while working together. There are few tools available but they are of extreme use while drawing. Another striking feature of this service is it offers saving the file. You will be asked for your email id and you will be sent a link to the drawing. You can also choose to print the drawing you made from the website itself. Showing someone the way to your house, then the replay feature is of good use to you. Clicking on replay replays how the entire path was made. You can choose to draw this diagram and then send it over to your friend using the Send Feature. There is an Undo and a Clear feature too which can be applied to the drawing. Using the Clear feature while in a group mode will take time because it takes permission from other user whether he/she wants to clear the screen. Pretty Remarkable feature!!!

One can think of several uses for using Imagination Cubed in the classroom...Some ideas are:

• For collaborative projects, such as eTwinning, Eko Skola, Connectando Mundos, etc;
• For collaboration between classrooms in the same school, especially in the early years;
• For communication purposes between classrooms, to augment a regular chatting session;
• For helping young students with their hand-mouse co-ordination skills;
• For training on Interactive White boards;
• For creating simple animations which can be shared and replayed over and over again...

Useful links

You can see an example here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHni_5LqRLY&feature=player_embedded