Dr. Spyros Papadakis
Achaia Computer Science Advisor of Education..
Organizational Coordinator, Regional Centre for Educational Planning in Western Greece, Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Western Greece (RDEWG)
Adjunct Professor, Hellenic Open University (HOU)
His expertise is in applying modern learning theories with the new and emerging learning technologies in distance education and blended learning. Most of his work focuses on ICT integration in teaching and learning processes with a particular focus on teacher professional development. His work has made contributions to the understanding of how technology supports teaching and learning. Prior to be educational coordinator and academia, he was a teacher across various levels and types of schooling.
Research Interests
His research interests involve gaining a deep understanding of how people interact, collaborate, work, and learn based on the Internet and f2f education (blended learning) as a foundation for the design of emerging e-learning, mobile learning and the Internet of things in education. Also, the utilization of educational technologies in STEAM K-12, learning design, the design of computer-enhanced curricula, the design and evaluation of web based and mobile learning technologies, ICT in learning disabilities, formative assessment, adult education, teachers training, teaching and learning in virtual and blended learning environments, human-centred design of advanced technologies for learning
According to the ACM Computing Classification System (1998) [http://www.acm.org/class/1998/]:
- K. Computing Milieux. K.3 Computers and Education, K3.1 Computer Uses in Education (Distance Learning)
- A deep understanding of how people interact, collaborate, work, and learn as a foundation for the design of novel e-learning, mobile learning and the Internet of things in education
Information and Communication Technologies in Education and in particular
- Collaborative learning, online learning communities
- Distance learning technology and methodology
- Educational Software, Learning design, the design of computer-enhanced curricula, the design and evaluation of web based learning technologies,
- Adult education, teachers training, teaching and learning in virtual and blended learning environments.
He holds a PhD in Computer Science and Information Systems from the School of Science and Technology (HOU), a Master in Adult Education (HOU), a Postgraduate Certificate in Open and Distance Education (HOU) and a Bachelor in Mathematics from the University of Patras, Greece.
His PHD dissertation titled “Online educational resource development: supporting the educator”.
His currently scientific publications (citations via Google Scholar) are 65 papers with over 200+ citations (by other researchers) published:
- 19 papers in international journals
- 6 papers in Greek refereed journals
- 36 papers in fully refereed international conferences
- 3 chapters in Greek & 2 chapters in English books
10 books (Author co-author – among them the Book “Basic skills in ICT” for all 134.000 Teachers’ Training in Greece [Level A]).
67 papers in National refereed conferences
Academic Experience
He has extensive teaching experience as teacher and lecturer in the schools sector teaching Computer Science and Adult Education from secondary to professional development.
- More than 4 years of distance teaching of graduate courses (‘Thematic Units’): Distance Education’ in the Master’s program in Education”, Hellenic Open University (HOU).‘Educational Technology’ in the Master’s program “Information and Communications Systems, Open University of Cyprus (OUC). Distance Learning – Technologies and Methodologies” in the Master’s program “Information and Communications Systems, Open University of Cyprus (OUC),
- Supervision of over 2 undergraduate and 28 MS theses at OUC and HOU
Research & Development Project Participation
He has participated in over 10 research and development projects (TRENDS, ODYSSEAS, First Level ICT Teacher’s Training, Second Level ICT Teacher’s Training, TICTC, REVIT, OBELFA, LEVIS, UMI-Sci-Ed., STEAMonEdu) in the area of educational and Emerging Technologies for Learning.
Spyros is member of editorial boards of “Open Education: The Journal for Open and Distance Education and Educational Technology”, “The Journal of Teaching English with Technology (TEwT)” and of the “Journal Educational Circle”.. He serves as a reviewer for journals (including Computers & Education, The International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools , The Journal for Open and Distance Education and Education Technology) and conferences.
He is passionate in teaching and enjoys sharing learning resources and collaborating with others. Spyros is the coordinator of the Greek Educator LAMS Community (http://blogs.sch.gr/groups/lams).
Spyros lives in Patras, Greece. He likes to play the harmonica, chess and tennis.
Research areas interests
- Educational Technology and ICT Applications in Education
- Emerging Technologies for Learning
- E-Learning and Learning Design
- Open and Distance Education
- Adult Education and Teacher Trainning
- Didactics of Informatics
Member of Professional and Scientific Bodies
- European Distance Learning and E-Learning Network (EDEN)
- American Association for Adult and Continuing Education
- European Association for the Education of Adults
- Hellenic Mathematical Society
- Hellenic Adult Education Association (HAEA)
- Hellenic Network of Open & Distance Education
- Hellenic Scientific Society of Information and Communication Technologies in Education