14th ecoMEDIAeurope thematic Conference (www.ecomedia-europe.net) is going to be held online from 19th – 22nd October 2020 Program Tuesday, October 20 2020 19.40 – 20:00 Spyros Papadakis, Organizational Coordinator, Regional Centre for Educational Planning in Western Greece and Adjunct Professor,… Read More
eTwinning Seminars
The National eTwinning Support Service in Greece organizes six-month e-seminars in Greek Language You can see the content of the seminars athttp://seminars.etwinning.gr/register/syllabus.pdf Those who are interested in attending the above seminars will must complete the application form “
Distance Education and School Reality
“Distance Education and School Reality” (https://pekesexae2020.pdekritis.gr/) 65.888 participants from 30 countries on-line in two days.