Τηλέφωνο: 2310643065 | Email: gbotsas@sch.gr

Πώς είναι να έχεις ΔΕΠ-Υ;

Πώς είναι να έχεις ΔΕΠ-Υ;

ADHD and Me brings research interviews with children to (animated) life. The VOICES study (Voices On Identity, Childhood, Ethics & Stimulants: Children join the debate) investigated children’s experiences with ADHD diagnosis and stimulant drug treatments. We interviewed over 150 children in the United States and the United Kingdom, recruited from NHS Trusts, university clinics and community pediatric centers. This film uses our actual interviews with children to present some of the most important discoveries of the VOICES study. For further information see www.adhdvoices.com or get in touch: contact@adhdvoices.com