Σχολικό Έτος 2018-19
Φέτος συνεργαστήκαμε με το δημόσιο σχολείο Marc Chagall της Βόρειας Γαλλίας και με την εκπαιδευτικό Marie Guillas στο project: “Children from here and there… English & ICT”.
The students worked in heterogeneous groups of four individuals and individually. Before each activity, the team-class discussed the specific activity and decided how to work. The teacher in every activity used the technique of brainstorming to hear the ideas of the students and to make decisions. One of the students didn’t have a computer at home so we decided to do all the activities and responses to our partner activities in class. Students who had developed more computer-assisted skills helped others to make their presentations. We did two educational visits: a)the students got their journalist tape recorders and took a walk in their neighborhood to photograph their city and to interview people b) we went a school trip to Acropolis. Also, the students played traditional Greek games in the courtyard of the school to show their partners how they spend their free time. Another important activity was also our volunteer work during the project. All the children decided to help the children who were hospitalized at the Children’s Hospital to overcome their problems. Another activity which helped the students to cultivate their cognitive, emotional and social skills and to respond successfully to the requirements of the project was our theatrical performance “The Knight with the rusty armor”. Also, the students organized the event “Presentation of our program: “Children from here and there…English & ICT”. I try in all these activities to give them the opportunity to talk, make decisions and to be engaged with creative actions. Also, the students of E΄3 participated in a creative writing competition entitled “Make a wish …” the magic mirror said. The students were divided into five four-member groups and wrote a fairy tale. One of the five groups won the second prize. Their fairy tale was titled “Make a wish … the magic mirror said” Subtitle: “the circle of truth”.
The project took place during the school program and was integrated into a variety of subjects such as language, geography, social and political lesson, gymnastics, English and French language. We approached the project interdisciplinary.
During the teaching hour of language,I taught them how they should present themselves, their activities and they wrote their texts of the first and second activity. The students wrote the same texts in English during the English lesson. We worked in the same way in the second activity. We also worked with the French teacher to write another text wishes-2nd activity text – in French. The students collaborated with the teacher of French during the teaching time and they did exercises about the vocabulary which they would use and they wrote the text. In the course the social and political lesson, we discuss various issues such as the customs of our country, environment, recycling, etc. So we talked about the customs of the Greek Christmas – 3rd activity – of the project. The students discussed with their parents what they usually do about Christmas, how they celebrate, and then invited their parents to school and we made together the traditional Christmas sweet “melomakarona”. Every school year we do 9 school educational trips to museums, theaters, etc. We have organized two of the nine for our project: a) a walk in our neighborhood and b) a walk at Acropolis. During the hour of gymnastic students, teacher and gym teacher played together traditional games and we presented them to our friends. Student presentations, questionnaire, and responses to our partner’s activities were done during the hours of language. Students and class teacher collaborated and decided how to make the presentations and what tools they would use.
1st: Who I am?: The students played the game “Who I Am?”. Each student stuck a photograph of him/her in the center of an A4 paper and painted or stuck things they like or don’t like to engage in. The children of the other group were trying to guess who they are.
2nd A Typical day: The pupils talked about their daily routine. The students asked their parents to take photos of them during a day. We collected their photos electronically and the students chose the photos which they liked more and they wrote a text in English. Also, we recorded in French and Greek wishes for Christmas.
3rd: Christmas: Before we closed for Christmas holidays, we invited the parents in our classroom and we made a traditional Greek Christmas sweet “melomakarona”.
4th: In the fourth activity we presented our city and our school. We learned a lot about France and the city of our new friends.
5th: In the last activity, we made a review of what we learned through our cooperation with the French school. “Open school” is the school that gives to the students the opportunity to learn different cultures, to collaborate, to develop social, cognitive and emotional skills …
Three events
Α. Voluntary Activity: We made happy 80 children who couldn’t be at their home during the Christmas holidays.
B. Presentation of our program: “Children from here and there…English & ICT”.
Γ. Theatrical Show: “The Knight with the rusty armor”.