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Planet Earth

Sun, earth and moon size comparison

Earth is the third planet from the sun and the only one having life form as we know it, so far. It is also the only one that its surface is covered 70% by water and the surrounding atmosphere comprised of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen that helped in life existence. The ozone layer blocks the dangerous solar radiation and helps in temperature stability.
The iron core is still very hot and creates magnetic field.
Earth has one satellite, the Moon.

planets earth and venus

Earth's surface did not always look the same. Click on the video to find out how Earth looked like some million years ago:

Planet Mars

Mars is the fourth planet and appears red due to the iron oxide on its surface.

Planet Mars is composed of basalt and has iron core. It has a thin atmosphere layer mostly of carbon dioxide, temperatures from -87 Celcius to -5, and two satellites. 1 Martian day = 1 earth day +40 minutes and 1 Martian year= almost 2 earth years (1 year and 320 days) but has almost half the size of earth.
It has two moons; Phobos and Deimos.

Early studies found similarities with Earth and thus speculations about life existence.
Click on the spaceship for further details.

planet Mars


alien's spaceship

Choose the correct:

Mercury is the only planet sustaining life as we know it: Correct Wrong

Earth has two lovely moons; Phobos and Deimos: Correct Wrong

Venus is called Earth's sister planet: Correct Wrong

Mars appears green because there is abundant vegetation on its surface: Correct Wrong

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