The Terrestrials

Solar System

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The Terrestrials

Terrestrial is a term used to describe the four planets in the solar system that are closest to the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
These four planets are composed primarily of rock and have solid surfaces. The word terrestrial is derived from the Latin word terra, meaning ground or soil.

Besides a rocky, solid composition, the terrestrial planets share certain similar characteristics:

  • They are close to the sun.
  • They either have no moons or few moons.
  • They all have weak magnetic fields.
  • They all have closely spaced orbits.
  • None of the planets have rings around them.

the four terrestrial planets


alien's spaceship

Our little Alien friend is very frustrated so he gets confused and makes puzzled statements as regards solar system/planetary information. You have to choose the correct ones for him.

You may choose more than one correct statement:

Our solar system has only one star that radiates heat and light
There are billions other solar systems in the universe
From ancient times people always believed that the Sun was the center of the universe.
The terrestrial planets are the largest and hottest of all planets.
In our solar system there are two types of planets; the terrestrials and the gas giants.
The terrestrial planets do not have rings around them.
Scientists found life form on Mercury and Venus; small vegetables and worms.
Earth is the third in row terrestrial planet.

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