The Gas Giants

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Gas giants

The Gas Giants

The next in row four planets are not solid; although very large they only have solid core of silicon, nickel, and iron and thick atmosphere composed mostly of hydrogen and helium.

They all have names from the ancient Greek primordial gods:

  • Jupiter; from god Zeus
  • Saturn; from god Cronus
  • Uranus; from god Uranus
  • Neptune; from god Poseidon

Furthermore, the last two, Uranus and Neptune also called ice giants as they are mostly composed of water, ammonia and methane ices.

the four gas giant planets compared to Sun the four gas giant planets compared to Earth

Click on the spaceship to watch a 3D simulation video where all planets are presented. spaceship image


alien's spaceship

Our little Alien friend is deeply confused. Help him out.

You may choose more than one correct statement:

The gas gigantic planets are the most distant from Sun.
Mars and Uranus are both blue due to iced water on their surface.
Planet Saturn is the one with the most spectacular rings.
The gas gigantic planets have solid ground on surface and humans plan to colonize them.
Earth is same size with planet Uranus; they are called brother planets.

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