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Solar System
Gas giants

Planet Mercury

planet Mercury

Planet Mercury is very close to the Sun and thus hardly visible from Earth. It is slightly bigger than the Moon, solid, with core of iron and nickel.
It rotates slowly; 1 Mercury day=59 earth days but orbits very fast; 1 Mercury year=88 earth days.
The temperature during day reaches 430 Celcius degrees while during the night drops down to -170 Celcius due to lack of atmosphere. It has no natural satellite.

For further information click on the spaceship: spaceship image

planet Mercury in front of the Sun

Planet Venus

planet venus

Roll your mouse over the image to see the interior of Venus

The second in a row planet is Venus. It is very bright and is seen in early morning and night shining so lovely that was compared with goddess Aphrodite. It is almost same size with Earth and called Earth's sister planet.
It has solid basalt and many volcanoes on surface and iron core. Its rotation is 1 Venus day=243 earth days and 1 Venus year=225 earth days.

Venus has atmosphere comprised mostly of carbon dioxide that causes permanent greenhouse effect and middle stable temperature 460 Celcius degrees. It is thus compared to hell.

To find more about Venus click on the spaceship: spaceship image

volcano on Venus' surface

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