7η Ευρωπαϊκή Συνάντηση για την Επιστήμη των Υπολογιστών, Μιλάνο, 2011
Δημοσιευμένο από Tsampika Karakiza στην κατηγορία Uncategorized, tags: Ενημέρωση, Συνέδρια7th EUROPEAN COMPUTER SCIENCE SUMMIT – ECSS 2011
Informatics Transforming Society
8?9 November 2011, Milan, Italy
Pre-summit workshop on 7 November 2011
The 7th European Computer Science Summit, ECSS 2011, is a unique opportunity to meet some of the leading decision makers in informatics research and education, and discuss the critical issues of the discipline. ECSS 2011 is the yearly conference of Informatics Europe and will be held at the Politecnico di Milano, in the heart of one of the most exciting cities in the world, filled with culture, art and innovation.
The Summit is devoted to important and timely strategic issues and trends regarding all aspects of informatics: education, research, funding, entrepreneurship, management, career development, and policies. ECSS 2011 brings together key constituencies:
? Heads (or deans, chairs etc.) of informatics/computer science/IT departments (or schools, faculties etc.) in universities.
? Research directors and managers of research centers and laboratories, both in public institutions and in industry.
? Senior faculty and senior researchers from both academia and industry.
? Members of funding agencies at the European, national, regional, and local level.
? Experts and advisors in technology transfer and innovation.
The particular theme of ECSS 2011 is Informatics Transforming Society.
Recent events have shown more clearly than ever the transformative power of information technologies; ECSS 2011 will enable researchers, educators, managers and other experts in the field to assess the consequences of our discipline and discuss the best ways of enabling informatics to make its best possible contribution to the progress of society.
ECSS 2011 is soliciting contributions on topics of interest to its intended audience, including (but not limited to) the following list:
? Major trends in informatics research and education.
? Relationship of informatics researchers and educators with governments.
? Research funding: issues, experience reports, policy.
? Image of the discipline, student enrollment.
? Infrastructure to support informatics research and education.
? Issues in research and education policy.
? Experience reports on educational techniques for informatics.
? Research organization for informatics.
? Research careers in informatics, researcher evaluation.
Of particular relevance are contributions directly related to the theme of ECSS 2011: Informatics Transforming Society. In particular,contributions examining the effect of technology and the way to make them beneficial are welcome.
Special Event – Curriculum Best Practices Award Ceremony
As a special feature of the ECSS 2011 it will be held the Award Ceremony of the 2011 Curriculum Best Practices Award. Organized by Informatics Europe and sponsored by Intel, the first edition of the Curriculum Best Practices Award focus in the area of Parallelism and Concurrency. The winner or winners will be presented during the ceremony, receive the 30.000,00 EUR prize and give a keynote talk on the achievements.
Important Dates
All submissions must arrive before 20 July 2011, 23:59pm Central European Time. Early submission is encouraged. Author notifications will be sent by 5 September 2011.
Contributions and Registrations Position papers can be submitted in either of the following forms:
? Extended abstracts (up to 3 pages)
? Full papers (up to 12 pages)
Each submission should state in the first page to which of these categories it belongs, as well as the title, authors and affiliation.
Format guidelines: A4 format, 11-pt Arial font type, single-space, one-column and 2 cm margins.
All contributions should be submitted as PDF format in the conference submission site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ecss20110
? Deadline: 20 July 2011
? Author?s Notification: 5 September 2011
Registrations to the conference are now open. Register early to benefit from the discounted fees. Deadline early bird registration: 15 September 2011.
To register follow the steps on “How to Register” at the conference website: http://www.ecss2011.polimi.it/
All accepted papers will be made available to the conference attendees and on the Informatics Europe site (http://www.informatics-europe.org).
The European Computer Science Summit 2011 will be held in Milan, Italy, in the main campus ?Leonardo? of the Politecnico di Milano. The Leonardo Campus is the oldest of the Politecnico di Milano’s campuses and was inaugurated in 1927 in the Piazza Leonardo da Vinci. The campus has since been expanded has given rise to a university quarter known as “Citt? Studi”. ECSS will be held in the South Building of the Leonardo Campus, located near the city centre with easy access by public transportation. Milan is an exciting, cosmopolitan, attractive, multi-faceted, elegant city. As Italy?s economical center, Milan is an intriguing mix ofculture, science, art, fashion and business. Milan is an international centre of research and technology, the capital of fashion and design, a temple of music, and the custodian of an artistic striking heritage.
Come join this exciting and important event in the field of Informatics and participate by submitting your contribution!