Hygiene for not
spoiling your appetite.
They’re invisible but they can cause serious problems.
We call them bacteria but they can make you sick.
For that reason you have to:
With soap and warm water.
Before you make or eat a snack or meal.
After using the bathroom.
After playing with your pets.
Ten advices for keeping
food safe
Always use
clean knives, forks, spoons and plates.
Put food on
clean surfaces.
Never put
your snacks on dirty surfaces.
Wash fruit
and vegetables with cold water before you eat them.
Wash your
hands and surfaces often.
Be sure that
your refrigerator is the right temperature for storing food.
Refrigerate or
freeze perishable food right away.
Throw away
anything that looks or smells bad.
Wash your
hands before preparing the meals.
Keep the
utensils clean.
All the information above is from the website:
Food Safety(INCA/General Federation Of Greek Consumers )