
We’ re the cereals
The best food for the kids.
                                 Arvaniti Kalliopi

Wheat, flour, bread ,
Write a recipe to make bread!
                            Apostolou Sterios

I like bread, I love it fresh
I like eating too much bread.
                  Galatas Konstantinos

Spaghetti bolognese
are the best. .
Shepherd’s pie and bread roll
I love them all.
               Yiannou Christina





Pears,apples and cherries,
eat many fruit every day.
If you want to be healthy
don’t forget to buy many.
                              Galani Maria

Tomatï, onion and cucumber,
leek carrot and cauliflower,
peas,celeries and runner beans,
I love eating all these. 
                          Vavoura Sofia

Spinach,broccoli and cabbage
turnip and parsnip for the salad.
Vitamins in all our meals
are best for the kids.
                             Panayiotidou Maria

If you want to be strong,
tell your mother not to cook wrong,
use fruit and vegetables every day 
 for living long life in our days.
                     Karavasilis Vasilis





Drink milk, eat cheese
don’t eat sweets.
Yoghurt, milk and butter
make you feel like butterfly.
                     Karfopoulou Magda

I drink milk every day
that makes me not to go
 to the doctor for many days.
                 Ôsirigotis Teodoros

A glass of milk a day,
keeps the doctor away.
               Ággouras Aggelos


Chicken,Fish and Eggs

like chicken,
I like fish,
I like eggs
I like cheese.
Do you like all these?  
                         Áthanasiadis Kyriakos

I like prawns, I like lobster, 
I like crab,I like mussels. 
                      Íikolaidis Dimitris

I want to be healthy,
I want to be strong,
I eat healthy,
I don’t eat wrong . 
                         Iordanidis Alekos


Olives, Olive oil and Sweets

I’m the little olive,
they put me in your salad ,
they add a little bit of oil.
Ôomato, cucumber and pepper,
that’s all, your salad is ready.
                   Haralambidis Grigoris

Oil and bread
that’s the best.
They’re healthy food
delicious and good. 
                Galatas Panayiotis

If you want healthy teeth,
don’t eat sweets.
Candy and sweets
are not for the smart kids.  
           Tsiliopoulou Eliza






Front Page
Healthy diet and school
Food Groups
Food-Guide Pyramid
Mediterranean diet
Food Safety
Healthy Choices
Hygiene for not spoiling your apetite
Research: Students’ Diet Habits
The Song of Healthy Diet
Tongue twisters
Students’ Poems
Ten advices for good health from the students of C2
Traditional Recipes
Students’ names