Food-Pyramid was developed by the Ministries of Agriculture and Health of USA aiming to be used as a guide for a healthy diet.



The top of the pyramid indicates food we should eat in very small quantities. It contains fat, oil and sweets (sauces, oil, margarine, butter, refreshments, sweets ). In the right quantity they add flavour and pleasure in our meals but in big quantity they are the main cause of obesity.
Most of the food in this group (meat, poultry, fishes, dry beans, eggs) are animal origin. They provide protein (main materials, they create and reform the tissues).
Milk, yoghurt and different types of cheese provide calcium, vitamin, protein, riboflavin etc Certain food, as cheese, have more fat and some other food less fat. The nutriciousness of milk is not decreased with the reduction of fat.
Vegetables apart from carbohydrates are very good source of plant fibres of vitamins and salt. Prefer fresh and seasonal vegetables. Carbohydrates of fruit (glucose, fructose) offer direct energy in the organism. It is preferable to be consumed as they are rather than in the form of juices, because they lose the plant fibres and big percentage of vitamins.
The food that is found in the base of pyramid (bread, rice, pastas, cereals, and potatoes), are rich in complex carbohydrates and certain vitamins V. Most from these foods are from their nature low in fat. When they keep their rind or are total milling, they also provide enough plant fibres, with which is faced the constipation and are decreased the levels of lipids in the blood.


Meals contain all the nutritious substances for the body in order to develop, to keep fit, to fix any… damage in its cells, to move, to think, to read… after all to live! These nutritious substances are Proteins, Fat, Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Salt and Water, the same elements that constitute our body.

. In order to have a balanced diet we should use a variety of food that we eat and choose the right quantity in order to be sure that we take all the nutritious substances needed.

From food we take the “fuels” that the organism needs in order to function ( it helps the heart to beat, we can breath, go to work , go to school, play games e.t.c.).


Main materials.
They develop; they make up and keep the tissues in our body. 10-12% from the total daily caloric need

Their main aim is to give energy to our body, “fuels” for each function that our organism makes. In a balanced diet 55-60% of the total energy should come from carbohydrates.
Fat is essential in our body because it helps in the construction of cells, in the transport of vitamins, in keeping the body’s temperature constant, but it should not overcome the 30% from the total calories.




Front Page
Healthy diet and school
Food Groups
Food-Guide Pyramid
Mediterranean diet
Food Safety
Healthy Choices
Hygiene for not spoiling your apetite
Research: Students’ Diet Habits
The Song of Healthy Diet
Tongue twisters
Students’ Poems
Ten advices for good health from the students of C2
Traditional Recipes
Students’ names