5th mobility

The Online Meeting   hosted by Italy took place on the Google Meet platform between the 13th-17th of April 2021.

The topic of the meeting was Cities, monuments and national art treasures protected by UNESCO




On the first day, the Italian team made the school presentation, the program presentation (by days). Some students presented the school of Vasto: Instituto Tecnico e Tecnologico "Filippo Palizzi" in a short video – YouTube (6:42). They also made the presentation of the historic center of Vasto (the characteristics of the city) and some important objectives: "San Pietro" Church, Capitolium, The Thermal Baths, D’Avalos Archaeological Museum / Palace, Vasto Cathedral, Saint Mary’s Church, Caldoresco Castle, Bassano Tower, Neapolitan Garden, Rosstti Square (Gabriele Rossetti – a Romantic poet born in Vasto).

On the following day was the presentation about the Unesco Objectives in World Heritage from Romania:

  1. Churches of Moldova 2. Horezu (Hurezi) Monastery
  2. Seven Villages with fortified churches in Transylvania 4. Dacian fortresses in the Orăştie Mountains 5. Town of Sighișora
  3. Wooden Churches from Maramureș 7. Danube Delta
  4. Secular and virgin beech forests of the Carpathians and other regions of Europe - The Anthem of Croatia

Also, Croatia made the presentation about the Unesco Objectives in World Heritage from Croatia:

  1. Stećci – Medieval Tombstones Graveyards
  2. Old City Of Dubrovnik
  3. Plitvice Lakes National Park
  4. Historical Complex Of Split (built by Diocletian)
  5. Historical City Of Trogir
  6. Episcopal Complex Of The Euphrasian Basilica
  7. Cathedral Of St. James
  8. Hvar’s Stari Grad Plain
  9. Ancient And Primeval Beech Forests Of The Carpathians And Other Regions Of Europe
  10. Venetian Works Of Defense Between The 16th And 17th Centuries

On 15th of April 2021 there was the presentation about the Unesco Objectives in World Heritage from Greece:

  1. Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae
  2. Archaeological Site of Delphi
  3. Acropolis of Athens
  4. Mount Athos
  5. Archaeological Site of Epidaurus
  6. Archaelogical Site of Vergina (Aigai)
  7. Archaeological Site of Philippi
  8. Medieval City of Rhodes
  9. Great Toumba
  10. Meteora
  11. Paleochristian and Byzantine monuments of Thessaloniki
  12. Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus
  13. Archeological site of Mystras
  14. Archaeological site of Mycenae and Tiryns
  15. Old Town of Corfu

Turkey made the presentation about the Unesco Objectives in World Heritage from Turkey:

  1. Diyarbakır Fortress and Hevsel Gardens Cultural Landscape
  2. Great Mosque and Hospital of Divriği
  3. Xanthos-Letoon (Antalya)
  4. City of Safranbolu (North and Central Anatolia)
  5. Archaeological Site of Troy
  6. Ephesus
  7. Mount Nemrut
  8. Aphrodisias Ancient City (Aydin)
  9. Archaeological Site of Ani
  10. Bursa and Cumalıkızık: the Birth of the Ottoman Empire
  11. Hattusha: the Hittite Capital
  12. Göbekli Tepe
  13. Historic Areas of Istanbul
  14. Neolithic Site of Çatalhöyük
  15. Pergamon and its Multi-Layered Cultural Landscape
  16. Selimiye Mosque and its Social Complex
  17. Goreme National Park and Cappadocia (mixed)

- 10 questions in kahoot.it (about the presentation of UNESCO Objectives in Turkey)

On 16th of April 2021

Italy made a presentation about the Italian Constitution and Cultural Heritage:

There was also a workshop of photography (tips for taking pictures: Don’t use the flash!, Edit your photos!, Make a time-lapse! Movement and action!) and 2 quizzez (one for the students and one for the teachers).

On the 17th of April 2021 there was the teachers’ meeting.

The project coordinator (Mrs. Anamaria Boboc) establishes the date of the next mobility: 8th-12th of May 2021. The Italian team creates the e-twinning page (account) with pictures / videos relating to the project. There was the speech of Mrs. Bianca Campli, UNESCO Delegate from Vasto and Art History teacher (she presented the criteria for including the objectives in UNESCO World Heritage) and the speech of the President of FAI – Vasto (Fondo Ambiente Italo – The National Trust for Italy), a kind of ONG which protects the environment and collaborates with the schools (project: FAI Scuola Progetto Apprendisti Ciceroni)

The Italian coordinator (Mrs. Lucia Bumma) awards the certificates to the participants and after she will send the scanned and stamped certificated to the project coordinator.

The most important target of the project was achieved: motivating students to know, appreciate and promote the cultural heritage of their home country and respect for the cultural values ​​of the project partner countries, included in the UNESCO Heritage.

Other objectives of this meeting have been also accomplished: 1. strengthening the education about cultural heritage (national / universal), emphasizing the opportunity to discover and know the most representative values ​​of culture and material civilization (material / immaterial), as defining elements of national cultural identity, included in the World Heritage;

  1. students' understanding of the need and importance of knowledge of national history and culture, on the basis of which you become aware of belonging to a common cultural-historical space, at the level of the whole common geographical region;
  2. promoting teamwork and taking advantage of the opportunity for students from partner schools to find / discover information (of great importance for a harmonious intellectual development), about cultural heritage (mobile / real estate), having the chance to discuss common issues and to understand the need to know and appreciate the heritage of each country.

The teachers also understood the chance to discover and understand the exceptional cultural values, being motivated to consistently apply the innovative concept of "world heritage education" in the didactic-educational approach.

Knowing and understanding the values ​​of culture in the partner countries of the project, students understood the culture of the country / people to which they belong, becoming able to discover what unites us and individualizes each (as a nation) at European and global level;they also understood the need to acquire attitudes / behaviors of good citizenship and manifestation of feelings of respect, empathy, acceptance of diversity, as a binder, for proper socio-cultural integration of all European citizens (native or migrant); the mobility taught the participants that increasing the importance of education through and for culture / cultural heritage is an antidote to the manifestation of intolerant behaviors generated by the "assault" on Europe of migrants in recent times; also, teachers acknowledged the fact that integrated, multidisciplinary approach to the didactic act (history, geography, foreign / native languages), using in the learning strategies elements of education about and for promoting the national / world cultural heritage is also very important in the teaching-learning process.

We all observed the importance of an active involvement of the school partners in promoting education for world heritage, developing in students attitudes / behaviors of responsible citizens, aware of the role and importance of cultural values
