Mihail Strunza

The „MIHAIL STURDZA” Technical College



Our school, the Mihail Sturdza Technical College, is a technical school in Iasi, North-Eastern Romania. It has 600 students and the greatest part of the fields studied here are technical. It is not a central school, but it is considered one of the best technical schools in our city.

Iasi, our city, is an universitary and touristic city, so there are many cultural posiibilities here, as there is a mixture of nationalities.



The ages of the students are from 15 to 21. Most of them come from rural regions and their economical situation is quite low. Also, they come from disadvantaged families, where at least one parent is not present in their education or they have large families with low financial possibilities.

Anyway, they are interested in studying, this being an opportunity for them to prove to themselves that they can do something with their lives.

     Because of the low economical level of the students, many of them must go to work to earn money, and that is why absenteism is a real problem in our school. They must be motivated to come to school and they must understand that studying offers them many opportunities for a better future.

The school has a good dotation, we have different labs and workshops, as well as well prepared teachers who are interested in perfectioning their activity through different activities, such as publishing articles, books, participating in workshops, group activities and debates. Our school organizes many local, regional, national and international projects. The school has a good material basis and there is a good relation between our organization and the economic agents in the area.

     Our school has also had many European projects such as Grundvig, Leonardo, Comenius and Erasmus+, and they are a real opportunity for the students, as they improve their language skills and IT abilities.

     During the last 3 years, we had a Comenius project, The Memory Room of Our Identity – Our Museums, LLP.2013-1-ES1-COM06-724434 and now we are partners in 2 Erasmus + projects, Volunteering as a Benefit – Entrepreneurship and FuturEU – Sustainable World.

     Our organisation participates in many school or out of school activities. Teachers make interesting lessons, using different types of educational methods. All the teachers and students are interested in projects, workshops and activities to develop their communication, cultural and social skills.As there is an accentuated tendency towards globalization, our organization can offer models of techniques used in the educational process. We can offer modalities of communication with the students and their families, to develop skills for understanding teenagers personality.

We can organize workshops and cultural activities, such as visits, trips, traditional shows. Also, we can organize teaching lessons to observe the relation between teachers and students and to notice the similiarities or differences between the teaching techniques in our countries and in other countries.

We participated in many activities such as:

" To know our writers" 

International Day of Alimentation

European Day of Languages

”A smile, a joy form children to children”

Volunteering activity 

The Role of Extra activities in students education

The power of a prayer

Education through dramatic art

Let s live in a world of peace!

These are just a few of the extracurricular activities in our school, but they are many and they motivate students to come to school and get involved in such activities.

The fact that our school has spaces for all activities specific to a modern education (a school body with 26 cabinets and laboratories, a school with 8 workshops, two houses with 400 seats, 200 of which in a modernized home, canteen upgraded to European standards with 150 space / series, 500 sqm sports hall, medical cabinet, dental office, laundry, own thermal bath, 2000 sqm sports ground, we are entitled to aspire to the school campus title, and the tradition and the performances in technical education at the cost of a strong adults training centre.

