Škola Stranih Jezika - Žiger


Language school Žiger (Croatian: Škola stranih jezika Žiger) was founded on 1 March 1990 by Mrs. Irena Žiger. It is one of the first private schools in Croatia. The current director of the school is Mr. Marko Žiger.
The languages taught at our school are English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Croatian and we have students of all age groups, from pre-schoolers to adults.
The dynamics of our courses is usually once or twice a week, but we also have the so-called superintensive summer courses where the participants can get a certificate after completing a three-week course. The programmes we offer are in compliance with standards and regulations defined by the Council of Europe.
Žiger school has been an accredited EQUALS (European Association for Quality Language Services) member since 2001.
We believe that language is a living thing so we nourish a communicative teaching approach based on functional language. Furthermore, we have realistic expectations – learning language is a long process, so you cannot expect miracles in a short period of time.
All our teachers undergo a continuous professional development and regularly take part in conferences or workshops.
The school's magazine Dijak, published once or twice a year, contains the work of our students in all the languages taught at our school.

https://issuu.com/markoiger/docs/dijak_ljeto_2016 (link to 2016 issue of Dijak)

Irena Žiger, the founder of the school

Marko Žiger, the school’s principal

Staff members


School building
