Filippo Palizzi

Technical Institute F. Palizzi – Vasto

The Technical Institute, named after Filippo Palizzi - a famous painter from Vasto - is going to celebrate 100 years from its foundation.

The school has always been a central reference for the territory and a “workshop” of ideas as well as cultural and social promotion.

The school prepares its students for the world of work and offers to its graduates a deal of employment opportunities related to their study paths.

f05The “Palizzi”, actually, is truly concerned with the fast-growing opportunities of the job market and is committed to provide every student with as many possibilities of choice and personal development as possible.

Each student, with his/her own peculiar personality and potential, is at the core of the didactic purpose. The educational model inspiring the syllabus and all the activities aims at shaping the future citizen and man.

The plan of the formative offer is based on the following premises:

  • Centrality of the student in the didactic actions
  • Motivation in building up life and work projects
  • Development of the competences for a lifelong learning
  • Prevention of school failure through dedicated didactic strategies and interventions
  • Civil cohabitation and gender equality education
  • Integration and inclusion
  • Laboratory methodology
  • Planning and assessment of the competences
  • Staff’s continuing education
  • Curricular and extra-curricular projects
  • Stakeholders and territory engagement in the life of the school
  • Educational conventions with the world of job and research.
  • Internationalization of the school and increase in European planning (Vet Charter, Erasmus, Pon)



Our school celebrates this year its 100th anniversary.

Below follows a video presenting our school, with all the departments and courses it offers: a wide range of formative paths and opportunities, for a conscious choice of every student’s study path.

Palizzi Institute video presentation (English subtitles):


And here is another video: a very interesting virtual tour of the town of Vasto, made by our students of the Tourism courses:
